Rıza Beşer

Eğitimci, Yazar, Şair

Balıkesir Necatibey Teacher Training School

Poet, writer. He was born in Alhasuşağı village / Arapkir / Malatya in 1922. He graduated from Balıkesir Necatibey Teachers’ School (1945). He worked as a class teacher, administrator, ministry officer in Afyon (1945), Geyve, Kocaeli, Hendek and Adapazarı and as primary education supervisor in Gümüşhane, Iskenderun, Tekirdağ and Istanbul (1961-1977). He was retired in 1977. He is the member of ILESAM and TURKSAV.

His first story was published in Son Telgraf newspaper in 1936, and his first poem was in Yedigün journal in 1937. In the following years, he has published his articles and poems in the newspapers of Arapgir Postası and Balıkesir Postası; in the journals of Yedigün, Büyük Doğu (wrote and worked for a while), and Yeni Defne; and in journals of Servet-i Fünûn Uyanış, Varlık, Yeditepe, İnkılapçı Gençlik, Dikmen, Çınaraltı, Yürüyüş, Kaynak, Yesevi, Size and Memleket ve Akşam Haberleri newspapers. Ten of his poems were composed in Turkish Classical Music forms, and three poems were translated into English and published in an anthology.


POETRY: Gönül Çırpınışları (1940),  Beyanname (1942), Yolcuma Mektuplar (poetry, 1944), Bayrağım ve Yurdum (1946), Sadaka (1947),Yaşam Türküsü (ironies, 1984).

SPEECH: Millî  Bayramlarımız (1952), İstiklal Savaşı (poetry-spech, 1976).

THROUGH: Kendini Bulan Adam (1961).

REFERENCE: Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (exp. ed. 6,  1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (vol. 1, 2001), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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