Refik Özdek

Çevirmen, Gazeteci, Yazar

28 Ağustos, 1995
Galatasaray High School

Journalist, writer and translator (b. 1928, Constanta / Romania - d. 28 August 1995, İstanbul). He attended Galatasaray High School and then studied at İstanbul University, Faculty of Law, but then he gave up his studies there. He began to work for the newspaper Yeni İstanbul as a translator in 1959, and then continued with some other newspapers such as Büyük Doğu, Bugün, Babıalide Sabah, Tercüman, Yeni Haber, and Türkiye. He was the editor of the review Tercüman Çocuk. He collected the research award of the Turkish Culture Foundation. He translated many novels of Cengiz Aytmatov. He also translated many novels and short stories from French.


NOVEL: Hücre / K - Biz Şehir Eşkiyası İdik (Cell / K - We Were the Bandits in a City, 1976), Çanlar ve Zindanlar (Bells and Dungeons, 1985), Kezban'a Mektup (A Letter to Kezban, 1986), Ocağımız Sönmesin (Don’t Let the Family Break up, 1989), Yazı Yazmaktan Karnı Nasırlaşan Adam (A Man Who Got a Callus on His Stomach When Writing, 1994), Afşaroğlu (Afşaroğlu, 1994), Gece Yarısı Güneşi (Midnight Sun, 1994).

SHORT STORY: Yüreğim Yanardağ (My Heart’s a Volcano, 1986), Kiziroğlu Mustafa (Kiziroğlu Mustafa, 1995).

OTHER WORKS: Hedef TRT (Target: The Turkish Radio and Television Corporation), Siyasî Vasiyetnameler (Political Wills), Uzay Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Space).



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