Writer (b. 1874, Kastamonu – d. ?). He graduated
SHORT STORY: Zincirli Adalet
(Justice With Chains, 1943).
RESEARCH: Destan ve Divanlar (Epic and Divan*s, 1940), Eshab-ı
Kehf ve Zülkarneyn Hikâyesi (The Legend of Eshab-ı Kehf and Zülkarneyn,
1943), Şairler Suresi (Poets of Sura,
1943), Ebu Eyyubel Ensari Tarihi (The
History of Ebu Eyyubel Ensari, 1943),
Tevfik Fikret'in "İman İhtiyacı" Şiirinin Şerhi (Commentary on
Tevfik Fikret’s poem “The Need of Faith”, 1946), Tevfik Fkret'in Tarih-i Kadim Ünvanlı Manzumesinin Şerhi (Commentary
on Tevfik Fikret’s poem “Ancient History”,
OTHER WORKS: Çocuk Eğlencesi (Children’s
Entertainment, 1940), Anne Karnında İkiz
Çocuklar (Twins in the Mother’s Belly, 1943).