Ahmed Esad Sezai Sünbüllük


School of Politics

Writer (b. 1874, Kastamonu – d. ?). He graduated from İstanbul High School and the School of Politics. From 1894, he served as an official at the Ministry of Domestic Affairs, Audit Office and as head official in various districts. In 1921 he officially retired and then he worked as a teacher at schools in İstanbul. His editorials were published in the newspaper, Hakka Doğru between 1946 and 1952.


SHORT STORY: Zincirli Adalet (Justice With Chains, 1943).

RESEARCH: Destan ve Divanlar (Epic and Divan*s, 1940), Eshab-ı Kehf ve Zülkarneyn Hikâyesi (The Legend of Eshab-ı Kehf and Zülkarneyn, 1943), Şairler Suresi (Poets of Sura, 1943), Ebu Eyyubel Ensari Tarihi (The History of Ebu Eyyubel Ensari, 1943), Tevfik Fikret'in "İman İhtiyacı" Şiirinin Şerhi (Commentary on Tevfik Fikret’s poem “The Need of Faith”, 1946), Tevfik Fkret'in Tarih-i Kadim Ünvanlı Manzumesinin Şerhi (Commentary on Tevfik Fikret’s poem “Ancient History”, 1947).

OTHER WORKS: Çocuk Eğlencesi (Children’s Entertainment, 1940), Anne Karnında İkiz Çocuklar (Twins in the Mother’s Belly, 1943).


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