Researcher and writer (b. 1937,
Bayburt). He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Law; Middle East Technical University, Public
Institute and Paris French School of Planning. Completing his doctorate at
Paris University, he became doctor of economics. He served as lawyer and legal
adviser to the General Directorate of Higher Education Credits and Hostels
Institution (1961-67), as an specialist and director at the State Planning
Organization (1967-71), as the General Secretary of the Ankara Chamber of
Commerce (1971-75), as an advisor at the Ministry of Commerce (1975-77), as the
Minister of Commerce (1977), as a member of the European Parliament (1978-80),
as the assistant to the chairman of administration committee of the newspaper Tercüman (1989) and as the Minister of
Culture (1996).
His articles were published in
the newspapers Toprak (1976-80), Hergün and Tercüman as well as in the magazines Kubbealtı Akademi (1977) and Türk
Edebiyatı (1985). He received the National Culture Foundation Award for his
work İsraf Ekonomisi (Economy of
Extravagance, 1974). He is a member of the Foundation of Young Industrialists
and Businessmen and the Motherland Party Central Resolution Committee.
WORKS (Research-Study):
İsraf Ekonomisi (Economy of Extravagancy, 1974), Verim Ekonomisi (Economy of Production, 1977), Türkiye’nin Kalkınması ve İktisadi Devlet Teşekkülleri (Development of Turkey and Economic State Enterprises, 1078), Dost Gözüyle (From a Friend’s Point of View, 1988), Savunma (Defense), İnsan ve Siyaset (Man and Politics), Örtülü Bir Savaş Adı: Terör (A Hidden War, Name: Terrorism), Balkanlar, Orta Doğu ve Kafkaslardaki Gelişmeler ve Türkiye (Affairs in the Balkans, Middle East and Caucasus and Turkey), 1994 Yılında Türkiye (Turkey in 1994), 2000’li Yılların Eşiğinde Kültür Hayatımız (Our Cultural Life on the Verge of the 2000’s).
He has also prepared translations.
REFERENCE: Hüdavendigar Onur / Türk Sağı Sözlüğü (2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), TBMM Albümü 2. Cilt 1950-1980 (2010), TBMM Albümü 3. Cilt 1983-2010 (2010).