Faruk Uysal


14 December, 1955
Hacettepe University Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences Department of Management and Administration
Other Names
Korkut Soylu

Poet (b. 14 December 1955, Korkuteli / Antalya). He uses the pen name Korkut Soylu in his reviews. He attended Avdan Village Primary School (1967), Korkuteli Secondary School (1970), Antalya Agricultural Vocational High School (1973) and graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences, Department of Management and Administration (1980). He made his graduate studies at Western Illinois University (US, 1996). He began his professional life at the Ministry of Finance as the Controller of Accounts in 1982. He also worked as the Director at the General Directorate of Accounts at the Ministry of Finance and vice-president of the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency at the Office of the Prime Ministry.

His first poem (Çocuk Gazeli, Ode to a Child) was published in the review Kıyam (February, 1977). His other poems and articles have appeared in the reviews Kıyam, which he owned, and Aylık Dergi, Kayıtlar, Mavera, Dergâh, Yedi İklim, Edebiyat Ortamı and Hece.

WORKS (Poetry):

Beyaz Yürüyüş (White Walk, 1998), Kayıp Konuşmacı (The Lost Speaker, 2000).

In addition, he translated some works of E. E. Cummings

REFERENCE: Osman Söğüt / Şiir Yollarında Beyaz Yürüyüş (Hece, Ağustos 1998), Ali K. Metin / Sevdayla Kanatlanan Yürüyüş (Yedi İklim, Ağustos, 1998), Nazir Akalın / Faruk Uysal’ın Ayva Çiçeği (Hece, Nisan 1999), A. Görkem Userin / Beyaz Yürüyüşle Varılan Kayıp Konuşmacı (Okuntu, Kasım-Aralık 2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) Nazir Akalın / Faruk Uysal’ın “Ayva Çiçeği” (Şairin Eldivenleri, 2003).




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