Adnan Ötüken

Librarian, Writer

Istanbul University Faculty of Literature
Other Names
Adnan Cahit Ötüken

Writer and librarian (b. 1911, Manastir– d. 1972, İstanbul). His full name was Adnan Cahit Ötüken. He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature. He is regarded as the founder of the first modern libraries in Turkey. After graduation from university, he worked as a teacher in Yozgat for some time. In 1936, he was sent to Germany to be educated in librarianship. In 1941, he was appointed the Director of Publications of the Ministry of National Education. He conducted valuable studies during these years and established the National Library of which he was the Director from 1948 to 1965. He was then appointed the first undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture and retired in 1967.

While carrying out the duties he was given by the state, he also gave lectures on librarianship at Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography. In 1949 he established the Turkish Librarians' Association. He edited the Bülten (Bulletin), published by the association. Between 1946-1957 he prepared and broadcast the radio program Kitap Saati (Book Hour) for Ankara Radio.


Bibliyotek Bilgisi ve Bibliyografi (Information on the Library and Bibliography, 1940), Üniversite Yayınları Bibliyografyası (A Bibliography of University Publications, 1941), Seçme Eserler Bibliyografyası 1942- 1945 (A Bibliography of Selected Works 1942-1945, 1946), İstanbul Üniversite Yayınları Bibliyografyası 1933-1945 (A Bibliography of İstanbul University Publications 1933-1945, in collaboration with Türker Acaroğlu, 1947), Bibliyotekçi'nin El Kitabı (A Guideline for Libraries, 2 volumes, 1947-1948), Klasikler Bibliyografyası 1940-1950 (A Bibliography of Classics 1940-1950, 1952), Klasikler Bibliyografyası 1940-1966 (A Bibliography of Classics 1940-1966, a collaborative work, 1967), Türk Dilinin Başına Gelenler (What Happened to the Turkish Language, 1968), TRT İçin Türkçe Dersleri (Turkish Lessons for the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation, 1968), İki Yılda 600'den Fazla Yazı (More Than 600 Articles in Two Years, series of articles, 1968).


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