Writer (B. February 22,
1912, St. Petersburg / Russia- D. 5 October 1992, Ankara). She is the daughter of Sadri Maksudi Arsal
(1880-57), writer and lawyer. She studied her primary education in
In 1941, she became the
French Literature assistant at the Faculty of Language History and Geography, she
became associate professor in 1943. She worked as the lecturer in
She learned French
during her childhood years so it was like her native language, she wrote poems
in French during her pupilage. Her literature critics and memories were
published in Cumhuriyet newspaper
(1946-56) and Hisar journal (1975-80),
her scientific articles about prehistory and ancient history, were published in
Belleten journal of Turkish History Association. She has a published work about
Mallarmé in French and some other works about Etruscans. Writer was close to
literature and art communities, her father had friends from science and
literature circles, she was known by the conversations about literature and art
in her house, her works are valuable for the history of literature.
wrote documental articles with a sensitive, grace and elegancy of a lady, about
the famous novelists, poets and script writers of Turkish literature. She used
the memories and wrote them from her objective. For her…culture can be
constructed on legacy of past. Our old poems, old music and old point of view
make us who we are. We must be proud of them. Let the Western societies not
understand and embrace us. The main reason holds us behind is trying to imitate
the Western societies since the Reforms.” (Şener
RESEARCH: Yahya Kemal’in Fikir ve Şiir Dünyası
MEMOIR: Böyle İdiler Yaşarken (1984), Atsız’dan
Adile Ayda’ya Mektuplar (1989) Bir
Demet Edebiyat (1998).
BIOGRAPHY: Sadri Maksudi Arsal (1991).
REFERENCE: Hisar’dan Biyografiler (Hisar dergisi, Eylül 1976), Âdile Ayda / Batı’yı Taklit Etmemeliyiz (Hisar, Ocak-Şubat 1979), Âdile Ayda / Yahya Kemal’in Fikir ve Şiir Dünyası (1979), Sermet Sami Uysal / Yeni Yahya Kemal (Varlık, Şubat 1980), Atsız’dan Adile Ayda’ya Mektuplar (1989), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007), Halil İnalcık / Adile Abla (1998), Şener Öztop / Bir Demet Edebiyat (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 25.11.1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (c. 1, 2003), Gönül Pultar / Batı Avrupa Kültürü ile Türk-Tatar Kültürünün Sentezi: Adile Ayda (2005), TBMM Albümü 4. Cilt 1960-1983 (2010).