Faik Reşit Unat


Istanbul Teacher Training School

Historian (b. 1889, İstanbul – d. 1964). He graduated from Istanbul Teacher Training School and worked as a teacher at primary schools in İstanbul and Bursa and worked at the central office of the Ministry of Public Education (1923-25). Afterwards he gave lectures at Ankara Music Teachers Training School (1925-26). He was the Public Education Manager, translator at the Public Training and Education Department, the Publication Department Manager and a department manager at the General Directorate of Elementary Education (1935-41). During this post (1940), he graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography and the next year he was appointed as a member of the Department of Instruction and Education. He worked as a manager at the General Directorate of Higher Education between 1946 and 1948. He was appointed to the Gazi Institute of Education as a teacher of Revolution History in 1948. He was also a member of the board of directors of the Geography Organizations, the Turkish Language Association and the National Commission at UNESCO.


Muallim Almanağı (Teacher’s Almanac, 1928), Abdi Tarihi (History of Abdi, 1943), İslâm Dünyası (The Islamic World, with Suut Kemal Yetkin), Türkiye Eğitim Sistemleri Gelişmeleri Tarihi (History of the Development of Educational Systems in Turkey, 1964), Kitab-ı Cihannüma (Book of the Whole World, in 2 volumes with Mehmet A. Köymen), Hicri Tarihi Miladi Tarihe Çevirme Kılavuzu (A Guide to Converting the Muslim Calendar to the Gregorian, 1940), Osmanlı Sefirleri ve Sefaretnameleri (Books of Ottoman Ambassadors and Embassies, 1968).

He also wrote textbooks for various levels.


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