Fahri Celal Göktulga

Öykü Yazarı, Yazar

20 Mayıs, 1895
03 Haziran, 1975
Tıbbiye-i Mülkiye-i Şahane (İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine)
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F. Celâlettin Göktulga, F. Celâlettin, Fahri Celâl, Fahri Celâlettin Göktulga

Writer (b. 1895, İstanbul - d. 3 June 1975, İstanbul). He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine (1918). He used F. Celalettin, F. Celal, Fahri Celalettin as pen names. He worked as a chief doctor and clinic chief at Toptaşı, Manisa and Bakırköy Emergency Hospitals and retired in 1960. In his stories under the pen name F. Celaleddin, he tried to reflect the realities that he observed within social relations by means of humor. His wrote in the style of Maupassant as a realist and moreover as a patriot. His essays were published in the newspapers Cumhuriyet (1950) and Yeni İstanbul (1959).


Talak-ı Selase (Final Divorce, 1923), Kına Gecesi (The Henna Night, 1927), Eldebir Mustafendi (Eldebir Mustafendi, 1943), Avurzavur Kahvesi (The Avurzavur Coffeehouse, 1948), Salgın (Contagious, 1953), Rüzgâr (The Wind, 1955), Çanakkale'deki Keloğlan (Kel–oğlan in Çanakkale, 1960; first published with the name Keloğlan Çanakkale Muharebelerinde-Keloğlan in the Gallipoli Wars, 1939), Bütün Hikâyeler (All Stories, with the pen name Fahri Celal, 1973).


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