Fahrettin Altay

Soldier, Politician

26 October, 1974
Military School, Military Academy

Soldier, statesman (B. 1880, Iskodra / Bulgaria – D. October 26, 1974). He graduated from the Military School (1899) and Military Academy (1902). He fought in Çanakkale, Romania and Palestine fronts at First World War. He was the Commander of Second Army in Konya and Commander of Fifth Cavalry Army Commander during the War of Independence.

Several resources claim that he overlooked the destruction of many historical buildings (many mosques and religious buildings) for landscaping while he was the Second Army Commander in Konya.

Seljuks have buried the important figures and sultans as mummified; and their death bodies were buried under tombs as a mummy. But, unfortunately, these arts were opened and the bodies were dissolved during the rule of a commander.” (Prof. Dr. Osman Turan)

Turkish cavalry under the command of Fahrettin Altay have chased the Greek Army after the Great Battle towards İzmir, and entered İzmir on September 9, giving the people the good news of victory. Fahrettin Altay had the rank of Full General and he was a member of High Military Council. He was the Mersin deputy in the first term and Izmir deputy in the second term. He quit politics in 1924 with his own will. He returned back to military and became a full general (1926). When he was retired in 1945, he was involved in politics and elected as Burdur deputy from RPP (Republican People's Party) in 1946. He quit politics after losing 1950 elections. His work named Türkiye İstiklal Savaşları‘nda Süvari Kolordusu’nun Harekatı was translated into several languages in 1925.


Fahreddin Altay’ın Türkiye İstiklâl Muhârebâtında Süvârî Kolordusunun Harekâtı, İstiklâl Harbimizde Süvârî Kolordusu, İslâm Dini, On Yıl Savaşı ve Sonrası 1912-1922, Çanakkale Hatıraları (with Cemil Conk Paşa - Liman Von Sanders, 2002).

REFERENCE: Prof. Dr. Osman Turan / Selçuklular Târihi (1965, p.689), İbrahim Hakkı Konyalı / Abideleri ve Kitabeleri ile Konya Tarihi (1964, p.584-585), Çanakkale Hatıraları (Kitap Rehberi, November 2002).   



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