Ethem Ruhi Fığlalı

Historian of Islam, Historian

08 December, 1937
Ankara University Faculty of Theology

Historian of Islamic sects (b. 8 December 1937, Burdur). He attended the Burdur İstiklâl Primary School (1949), Burdur High School (1955), and graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Theology (1959). He gave lectures at İmam Hatip High Schools in Konya (1961-64), Burdur (1964-65), Kayseri (1965-66). Afterwards, he lectured on history of Turkish-Islam culture in İzmir (1966-70) and Kayseri (1970-71) Institutes of Islam. Then, he became an assistant at Ankara University, Faculty of Theology (1970-72) on history of Islam sects.

In 1972, he completed his doctorate studies at Ankara University, Faculty of Theology, Chair of History of Islamic Sects. His thesis was “İbadiye'nin Doğuşu ve Görüşleri (Birth of Ibadiyye and His Views). Between 1974 and 1975, he served as a senior lecturer at Cambridge University, Faculty of Oriental Studies in the United Kingdom on Islamic sects and Islamic Orders. On his return to Turkey, he was promoted as an associate professor with his thesis “Ahmadiyya Mezhebi- Kadıyanilik" (The Ahmadiyya Order-Kadıyani sect, 1977) at Ankara University, Faculty of Theology; and by he became a professor with his thesis "Mesih ve Mehdi İnancı Üzerine-Mezhepler Tarihi Açısından Bir Tetkik" (About the Belief of Messiah and Mahdi An Analysis from the Perspective of History of Sects, 1982).

He was appointed in Deanship of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Theology for four times in 1982, 1985, 1988 and 1991. In 1984, he was elected as the representative of the Inter-universities Council by the University Senate. Besides his office as the dean, he served as the vice-rector at Dokuz Eylül University. In 1995, he was elected as a member of the National Committee for Turkish Social Sciences, Sub-Committee for Humanities for the second time by the Turkish Council of Higher Education. In 1998, he became the rector of Muğla University for the second time and, in 1999 he was elected as the chairman of the executive board of the Budget of Higher Education Credit and Pensions Institution. His articles were published in the reviews Dokuz Eylül and Ankara İlahiyat Fakültesi İslâm İlimleri Enstitüsü. He was a member of the editorial boards of the Türk Ansiklopedisi (Turkish Encyclopaedia), İslâmî İlimler Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopaedia of Islamic Sciences) by the Dergâh Publishing House and İslâm Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopaedia of Islam) by the Turkish Foundation for Religious Affairs.


RESEARCH-STUDY: Çağımızda İtikadî İslâm Mezhepleri (Islamic Spiritual Sects in Our Time, 1980), İslâma Karşı Cereyanlar: Bâbaîlik ve Bahailik (Movements against Islam: Babailik* and Bahailik*, Mecca, 1981), İbadiye'nin Doğuşu ve Görüşleri (Birth of Ibadiyye and His Views, 1983), İmamiye Şiası (The Imamities and Aherents, 1984), Kadiyanilik - Ahmediyye Mezhebi (Kadiyani Order-Ahmediyye Sect, 1986), Mezhepler ve Tarikatler Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopaedia of Sects and Orders) (chairman of the commission, 1987).

Besides, he made translations and wrote text books on his field. 



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