Lütfullah Cebeci

Tefsir Araştırmacısı, Araştırmacı

Erzurum Islamic Sciences Faculty

Researcher on Interpretation science. He was born in Develi / Kayseri (1954). He graduated from Develi Primary School (1966), Kayseri Imam Hatip High School (1972) and Erzurum Islamic Sciences Faculty (1977). He began his career as a research assistant at Ataturk University, faculty of Islamic Sciences (1978). He completed his masters’ degree in 1982 his thesis was ‘’Kur’an’da Şer Problemi” , and his doctoral studies in 1992. He became an associate professor in 1986 and a professor in 1992. He worked as a lecturer at Ataturk University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Basic Islamic Sciences, and Chair of Interpretation. Some of his administrative duties were Department Head of Basic Islamic Sciences, member of Faculty Board and member of Faculty Executive Board.

His articles were published in several newspapers and magazines such as İlâhiyat Fakültesi, Yeni Devir, Tevhid, Yeni Ümit, İslâm, Altınoluk, Sesleniş since 1980. He published an article in the edited book named Tevhid Üzerine Soruşturma (1987). He received 1986 Turkey National Cultural Foundation Award with his work named Kur’an’da Şer Problemi.


RESEARCH: Kur’an ’da Şer Problemi (1985), Kur’an’a Göre Takva (1986), Kur’an-ı Kerim’e Göre Cin-Şeytan (1989), Kur’an-ı Kerim’e Göre Melekler (1989), Kur’an’ın Hükümlerindeki Hikmet / Yakın Akraba Evliliği ve Genetik (1990), Mevlana ve İslâm (1996).

TRANSLATION: Tefsir-i Kebir (23 cilt, Mefatihu’l Ğayb), from Fahreddin er-Râzî; with Suat Yıldırım, Sadık Kılıç, Cafer S. Doğru, 1988-1995).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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