Ersin Nazif Gürdoğan


Istanbul Technical University Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
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Writer (b. 1945, Mihalıççık / Eskişehir). He used only Ersin in his ideological works. He attended his secondary school in Mihalıççık. He finished high school in Eskişehir. He graduated from Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. In 1968, he attended Istanbul University, Faculty of Economics, The Management Training Program. He worked as an expert of Project Evolution in State Planning Organization between 1968 and 1972. Also he made observations in England for a year. Since 1972 he had been work in Erzurum University, Faculty of Management, Department of Product Management. Later, in 1975 He finished his PhD on management and economics at Ankara University, Faculty of Social Sciences. He served as an academician in same place. In 1987 he promoted to the assistant professor, in 1994 he was promoted to professor. In 1981 he gave lessons as a Prof Dr. in King Abdülaziz University, Faculty of Industrial Engineering in Jeddah. Later he worked in Faysal Finance Association in İstanbul.

His writings generally were published in Mavera and İslâm reviews. His anecdotes were published in Yeni Şafak Newspaper. In 1985 he won the Writers Union of Turkey awards for ideas branch with his work called Teknolojinin Ötesi. In 1994, he won the Writers Union of Turkey Excursion awards with his work called Zamanı Aşan Şehirler. He is one of the founders of Mavera reviews.


ESSAY-RESEARCH: Teknolojinin Ötesi (Beyond The Technologies, 1985), Kültür ve Sanayileşme (Culture and Industrialization, 1987), Kirlenmenin Boyutları (Dimensions Of Pollution, 1989), Görünmeyen Üniversite (Invisible University, 1993), Günler Akarken (That the Days Passed, 1996), Yeni Roma (The New Rome, 2003).

TRAVEL LİTERATURE: Hicaz'dan Endülüs'e (From Hedjaz to Andalusia, 1989), Zamanı Aşan Şehirler (The Cities that go beyond the time, 1994), Günler Akarken (The Days that Passed, 1996), New York’ tan Los Angeles’ a (From New York To Los Angeles, 2003).

In addition, he has works on production planning and finance. 

REFERENCE: Alim Kahraman / Görünmeyen Üniversite’nin Bir Üyesi: Ersin Gürdoğan (Yedi İklim, Mayıs 1995), Rasim Özdenören / Zamanımızın Bir Seyyahı: Nazif Gürdoğan (Yeni Şafak, 14.10.1999), Recep Garip / Nazif Gürdoğan’la Görünmeyen Üniversite Üzerine (Ay Vakti seçkisi, Aralık 2000), Mehmet Niyazi / Görmezlikten Gelmeyelim (Zaman, 3.3.2003), Saadettin Acar / Ersin Nazif Gürdoğan: Modern Dünyaya Dervişçe Bakış (Millî Gazete, 8.7.2002), Hatice Ayşe Safayhi / Kültürsüz Sanayi Sanayisiz Kültür Olmaz (Mortaka, Ocak 2005), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).


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