Ragıp Akyavaş

Researcher, Writer

Istanbul University Faculty of Law

Researcher-writer. (B. 1890, Istanbul – D. 1969). He is the son of Mehmed Emin Pasa, who was the Syrian Army Commander and Istanbul Central Commander of Ottoman Army. He completed his primary school education at Saint Vincent de Paul French School in Damascus, his secondary education at Istanbul Soğukçesme Military School and high school at Damascus High School. Then, he returned to Istanbul and graduated from Pangaltı War School and joined the military in 1912 with the title of lieutenant. He fought in Balkans, Çanakkale, Suez Canal and Romania, and he was injured five times. He worked as adjutant of the latest Sadrazams of Ottomans such as Müşir Izzet Pasha, Tevfik Pasha, Salih Pasha and Ali Riza Pasha. He was inspired by Ebü’lulâ Mardin and Muslihiddin Âdil during his duty at Sadaret, then he completed Istanbul Faculty of Law and served to Turkish justice system for twenty years.

He taught penal law and military history at Turkish Military Academy. He has furthered his religious knowledge in Beirut, which was one of the most important cultural centers during his era, and learned Hadith from famous scholar Sheikh Bedreddin Effendi. He also received education from Huzur-ı Hümâyun lecturers such as Erzurumlu Abdullah and Arapkirli Avni Effendi. Akyavaş also had a long journalism career with various articles published in newspapers and journals such as Halkçı, Zafer, Adalet and Son Havadis along with radio speeches. Akyavaş is known with his works on Islam and Ottoman history and it is also known that he is in love with Istanbul. His works and speeches were compiled by her daughter Prof. Dr. Beynun Akyavaş after his death and published as a corpus by Turkish Religious Foundation.


Hazret-i Muhammed’in Hayatı / Kur’an Tarihi ve Dinî-Ahlâkî Musahebeler (1970), Âsitâne - Evvel Zaman İçinde İstanbul I-II (2000), Tarih Meşheri I-II (2002).

REFERENCE: Âsitâne 1 - Evvel Zaman İçinde İstanbul - A. Ragıp Akyavaş (Hece dergisi, January 2001), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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