Researcher and writer (b. 14 January 1965, Posof /
Ardahan). He attended primary school in Posof, elementary school in Tekirdağ
and high school in Ardahan (1985). He graduated from Ataturk University, Kazım
Karabekir Faculty of Education, Department of Turkish Language and Literature
(1989). He graduated from Erciyes University Institute of Social Sciences
(1992) and received his PhD at Ankara University, Institute of Social
Sciences, Department of New Turkish Literature (1998). He worked as a
teacher of Turkish in Adana and Kayseri elementary schools (1990-93) and as a
lecturer at Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal University (1993-2000). Since 1997 he has
been a faculty member at Warsaw University, Institute of Oriental Languages,
Department of Turkology. He is a member of the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work
Owners of Turkey.
He began
his literary career with the research Senden Kurtul Sana Kaç Şiiri Üzerine (The
Poem, Saved from You, Escape to You) published in the review Çağrı in
August 1994. Afterwards, along with his research, he concentrated on
playwriting and children's literature. His studies in these fields continue, in
addition to his research on New Turkish Literature. His articles, fables,
stories, theatre and radio plays have been published in several reviews such as
Dili, Tömer Dil Dergisi, Dergâh, Türk Edebiyatı, Türk Lehçeleri ve Edebiyatı,
Türk Dünyası, Karınca Kardeş and Belleten
continues his academic research on these subjects: Turkish Literature from the
Tanzimat* Period to Today, Literature Groups, the Issue of the Traditional and
Modern in Turkish Literature, the Relationship between Politics and Literature,
the Role of Periodicals in the Development of Literature, the Influence of
Turkish on Polish, Children's Literature in Turkey and Poland and Turkology and
Turkologists in Poland. He collected the Professional
Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey Children's
Literature Award in 1995.
Cumhuriyet Dönemi Türk
Edebiyatında Hisar Topluluğu ve Edebî Faaliyetleri (The Hisar Literature Group and Literary Activities in
Turkish Literature in the Republican Period, 2000), Türkiye'de Edebiyat Toplulukları (Literature Groups in Turkey,
Warsaw, 2001, with the Polish name: Grupy Literackie w
Turcji, 2004), Wybor Artykow Z Polskiej Prasy Miedzywojennej Na Temat Turcji Z Czasow
Wojny Wyzwolenczej i Rzadow Atatürka (19 Maja 1919-1 Wrzesnia 1939)/Polonya Basınından Kurtuluş Savaşı ve Atatürk Dönemi Türkiyesi
Üzerine Seçme Yazılar 19 Mayıs 1919 - 1 Eylül 1939 (Articles in the Polish Media on the War of Independence and the
Ataturk Period, Turkey 19th May 1919 – 1st September
1939, Warsaw, 2001), Hisar'da Kültür ve
Sanat Konuşmaları (Conversations on Culture and Art in the Hisar Group,
2001), Falih Rıfkı Atay'ın Dil Yazıları (The
Language Articles of Falih Rıfkı Atay, 2002), Eski Harfli Süreli Çocuk Yayınları (Periodicals for Children with
the Old Alphabet, 2005), Başlangıçtan
Günümüze Polonya’da Türkoloji Bibliyografyası (The Turcology Bibliography
from Past to Present in Poland, 2005),
Tanzimat’tan Cumhuriyet’e Türk Edebiyatında Gelenek Modern Sorunu (The
Issue of the Traditional and Modern in
Turkish Literature from Tanzimat* Period
to the Republic, 2005).