Writer (b. 1 April 1951, Zile / Tokat). He attended Yerköy Atatürk
Primary School (1962), Yerköy Elementary School (1966) and graduated from Tokat
Teachers School (1969) and Ankara Gazi Institute of Education, Department of
Turkish Language and Literature (1975). He was sentenced at the “Revolutionary
Youth Trial” during the 12 March period and was imprisoned for nearly two
years. He worked as a teacher in Taşlıçay (Ağrı). He was also sentenced at the
“All Teachers Unity and Solidarity Society Trial” and was imprisoned for five
years. He worked as a proofreader, redactor, editor and writer at Cem
Publishing House (1987- 1993), Çınar Publications (1994), Papirüs Publications
and Engin Publications after 1995. Afterwards, he worked as a publication
redactor at a private school and as a writer.
His early articles and poetry were published in the local newspapers of
Tokat, Tokat and Sabah Postası in 1968; his later works were published in reviews such as Yazıları,
Yeni Adımlar and Yeni Toplum from 1974. In the eighties, his essays, critiques
and research were published in the reviews Anadolu Ekini Bilim ve Sanat,
Broy, Eylül, Günümüzde Kitaplar, Martı,Yarın and Yeni Düşün.
In the nineties, his work was published in the reviews such as Abece, Berfin
Bahar, Cumhuriyet Kitap, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Damar, Dünya Kitap, Gerçek Sanat,
İnsancıl, Karşı, Kitap Gazetesi, Özgür Yaşam, Türk Dili Dergisi, Varlık, Yaba and Yazın. Afterwards he also wrote
for the reviews Akköy, Ardıçkuşu, Aykırı Sanat, Berfin Bahar, Beşparmak,
Çağdaş Türk Dili, Çalı, Eski, Gazete Barış, Güzel Yazılar, İleri, Mavi Dergi,
Türksolu, Pir Sultan Abdal, Söylem, Tay, Toplumsal Barış, Ünlem and
Yalın Ses.
He won the 1986
Akademi Publishing House Novel Achievement Award with his file Kardelen (Snowdrop), the 1988 Madaralı
Novel Award with Turnalar (The
Cranes), the 1994 Sabahattin Ali Culture Days Honorary Award and the Troy
Culture and Art Awards Literature Award in 1995. He is a member of the PEN
Association of Writers, the Turkish Authors Association, the Nâzım Hikmet
Culture and Art Foundation, the Writers Syndicate of Turkey, the Union of 68’s
Foundation and the Language Society.
NOVEL: Kardelen
(Snowdrop, 1987), Turnalar (Cranes, 1987), Gökyüzüne
Akan Irmak (The River That Flows Into Sky, 1989), Yediveren (Ever
Blooming, 1995), Kaptan (The Captain, 1999).
ESSAY: Sivas’ı
Unutma (Do Not Forget Sivas, 1997), Umut İnsanda
(Humans Have Hope, 1997), Yine de İyimser (Nevertheless Optimistic,
2001), Dil Kaleminin Enstitüsü (Institute of the Language Pen, 2001), Savaş
ve Edebiyat (War and Literature, 2003), Küreselleşme Sürecinde Edebiyatımız (Our Literature in the Process of
Globalization, 2004), Emperyalizm ve Yurtseverlik (Imperialism and
Patriotism, 2004).
Kurdakul / Yaşamı ve Yapıtları (Şükran Kurdakul / Life and Works, 1993), Fedailer
Mangası / Rıfat Ilgaz’ın 40 Kuşağı Anıları (Volunteer Squad / the 40s
Memoirs of Rıfat Ilgaz, 1994), Ölümsüz Bilge Nasrettin Hoca ve Fıkraları
(Eternally Wise Nasrettin Hoca and His Anecdotes, 1995), Yunus Emre
(Yunus Emre, 1996), Köroğlu (Köroğlu, 1996), Karacaoğlan
(Karaoğlan, 1996), Dadaloğlu (Dadaloğlu, 1996), Pir Sultan Abdal
(Pir Sultan Abdal, 1997), Hayyam (Hayyam, 1997), Ezop’tan Masallar
(Aesop’s Tales, 1997), Aziz Nesin Aydınlığı (The Light of Aziz Nesin,
1997), Aydınlığın Ustaları (Masters of the Light, 1999), Aydınlıklar Önümüzde (Lights Are In Front of Us, 2003), Nâzım Hikmet Aydınlığı (The Light of Nazım Hikmet, 2003), Nazi Kampları (Nazi Camps, 2004), Sonsuza
Rüzgârdı 68 (‘68 Was A Wind to
Eternity, with A. Nergiz, B. Yıldız, H. H. Yalvaç; 2005).
He has also prepared compilations.
REFERENCE: İbrahim Oluklu / Gerçekçilik Işığında içinde “Bir Hesaplaşmanın Romanı: Turnalar” (1990, s. 5-12), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (1995), Yılmaz Elmas / Kitap Yazıları (1998), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1999), Zeynep Aliye / Yüzyüze Edebiyat (2001), Dosya: Öner Yağcı’nın 27. Sanat Yılı (Damar, sayı: 122, Mayıs 2001), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Özge Soylu / Zeynep Aliye ile Söyleşi (Varlık dergisi, Ocak 2003), Öner Yağcı / Anadolu'nun Umudu: Aydınlık (2017).