Seyfüddin Amidî

Fıkıh Bilgini, Kelam Bilgini, İslam Felsefecisi, Düşünür

08 Kasım, 1233
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Ebul-Hasan Seyfüddin el-Âmidî b. Ebî Ali Muhammed b. Et-Tağlebî

Scholar of Fiqh and Kalam, Islamic Philosopher (B. 1156, Amid [Diyarbakır] – D. November 8th, 1233, Damascus). He was the leading agent of kalam (Islamic philosophy), fiqh (Islamic law) and Islamic thoguht in the Islamic World in the XII and XIII centuries. His nickname was Ebul-Hasan Seyfüddin el-Âmidî b. Ebî Ali Muhammed b. Et-Tağlebî. Some sources regard him as an Arabic scholar. It is certain that he was born in Diyarbakır and completed his primary education there and was trained by the teachers of that area but then he went to science centers of the era to complete his higher education. He learned the science of Qira'at, the different reading style of the Koran, and Hanbelî fiqh from the well known scholars in Diyarbakır and then went to Baghdad. There he left the Hanbeli sect and joined Şafiî sect. He took fiqh lessons from Ebül-Feth İbn-il-Münâ and hadith (Words of the Prophet Muhammad) lessons from Ebül-Feth Şatil. He became a pupil of Ebül-Kasım b. Fazlân a fiqh scholar of Şafiî.

Âmidî took philosophy and medicine lessons from Christian and Jewish scholars living in Kerh, Baghdad to enhance his knowledge. Âmidî, who interiorized fiqh and philosophy, became an unrivaled scholar and other fiqh scholars began to dislike him. Âmidî who were aware of those feelings towards him went to Damascus from Baghdad in 1198. He enhanced his knowledge in fiqh and philosophy there and became the most prominent scholar of his time. After a while, he went to Egypt. He became the vice principal of a madrasah near the tomb of İmam Şafiî in Karâfe-i Sugra. Besides, he began to teach Cami-i Zafirî in Cairo. He gave usul-i-din (religious rules), kalam and fiqh lessons and began to draw attention with his works there. However, according to İbn Halligân and Taşköprülü Zade, some scholars, who were jealous of him, published and signed a notice accusing him of being a philosopher and of disbelief and telling spilling his blood would be legitimate but there were also others who opposed that idea.

Âmidî escaped to Hama from Cairo because he was afraid of being murdered. There he entered the service of Melik-ül-Man-sur, the ruler of Hama from the Ayyubids. He was appointed as “El-Câmekiyyet-üs-Seniyye” by Melik Mansur and supported by him. Âmidî, who served Melik Mansur for two years, became an important person in Hama. Upon the death of Melik Mansur in 1220, Âmidî went to Damascus. He was welcomed very well by the Governor of Damascus Şerefüddin İsâ and was supported by him. Besides, he was appointed as a teacher at Aziziye Madrasa. Those who had attended Âmidî’s lessons for thirteen years were fascinated by him and his knowledge, especially by his elocution.

When the Ayyubids captured Diyarbakir, the letters he corresponded with his former lord, who called him back and offered him the position of kadı (Muslim judge), was revealed and the Sultan of Ayyubids got angry with him and dismissed him from his position as teacher. Âmidî retired into seclusion after that incident and he was laid to rest in Cebel-i Kâsiyun, Damascus when he passed away. All works mentioning Amidî also agree on his importance.

Âmidî was the follower of Gazalî (505) and other scholar of kalams after him. He opposed scholars of kalam before him and supported logic in kalam thus forming a new way in the science of kalam. Gazalî, who said “You cannot trust the science of anyone who does not know logic”, added also logic to fiqh and declared logic as the precursor of science. Gazalî put a major importance on philosophy and made it possible to be followed by Ehl-i Sünnet (T.N. Sunnah Experts). Fahreddin-i Râzî, who was born a century after him, completed his mission and regarded kalam and philosophy as a single science. Fahreddin-i Râzî placed a great importance on logical approach and criticized old scholars of kalam.

Âmidî went a step further and broaden the place of philosophy in kalam. He supported the motto of philosophers; “Finding virtue is only possible by embracing the positive science and the knowledge reached by the reason.” Râzî and Âmidî were one of the scholars of kalam, who composed their works within the scope of that belief. Later Beyzavi joined them to combine kalam and philosophy, too.

Scholars of kalam who supported logical approach formed the philosophy of kalam by combining kalam and philosophy. The school of Philosophical kalam was established by Fahri Râzî and Âmidî was appointed the as the director of that school. The next generation Maturîds accepted the philosophical kalam trend, too.

The major significance of Seyfüddin Âmidî is not that he made a breakthrough only in the world of science of his era but also that he presented opinions enlightening today’s scientific researches.

As known, the Islamic World has been in period of regression for the last two centuries and  has been under a lot of pressure and threats of the Western World, which advanced further and further where Islamic World failed. There have been many important scientific and philosophical researches and works on the reasons for that sociologic evolution and its future condition around the world, in the Western and Islamic World. For sure, there have been various interpretations of those researches and books, but one of the determinations agreed on is that the production of philosophical and scientific works has been insufficient and it has played an important role in the regression of science and philosophy in the Islamic World, which is also a consequence of the insufficient evolution of religious thought. Modern Islamic highbrows highlight that the thing Islamic World lacking of is not transmitted information but what we lack of is the rational information and religious thought which will produce those information.

Seyfüddin Âmidî combined kalam and philosophy, which let logic play a sufficient role in religious thought, 700-800 years before. Another point we should attend to is that he supported the freedom for anyone to choose any of the school in Islam and the freedom to make judicial opinions for Sahabahs and other Muslims. He also supported that even a word of Sahabahs wouldn’t be regarded as a script ecclesiastically.


Ahkâmü’l Ahkâm (about fiqh), Ebkârü’l-Efkâr (Four volumes, about religious rules), Rümuzü’l-Künuz (Summary of Ebkârü’l-Efkâr), Menâihü’l-Karaih Kitabü’l Bâhir fi Ulum-il-Evail-î vel-Evahir, Gayetü’l-Emel fil-Cedel, Dekeyikü’l-Hakayık (about wisdom), Müntehe’s-Usûl (about manners), Kitabü’l-Mübin fi Maani Elfaz-il-Hükemâ-i vel Kelamin, Et-Tercihat (about disbelief), El-Muâhazât (about disbelief), Et-Talîkat-üs-Sagîre vel-Kebîre (about disbelief), Ele Me’haz alel-imam-ir-Râzî fi şerh-il-İşarat, Hulâset ül-İbrîz Tezkiretü’l-Melik ül-Aziz (Akaid), Delîlü Müttehidü’l-i İ’tilaf ve Cârü fi Cemî-î Mesâil ül-Hilâf, Şerh-i Kitâbü’l-Cedel lil-Şerif ül-Merâgî, Tarîkat fi’l-Hilâf, Gaayetü’l-Merâm (Kalam), El-Garâib ve Keşfü’l-Acaîb Fi’l-İktirânâtü’l-Şartiyye, Ferâidü’l-Fevâid (about wisdom), Kitâ-bü’l-Tercihat (about disbelief), Keşfü’l-Temvîhât fî Şerhü’l-Tenbîhât, Lübâbü’l-Elbâb (about logic), Mümtehâ üs-Sâlik fî Rütübü’l-Mesâlik, El-Mevâhizü’l-Celiyye fî-Mevâhizâtü’l-Cedeliyye, En-Nûrü’l-Bâhir fî-l-Hükmü’z-Zevâhir (5 volumes).

REFERENCE: Şemsedin Sami / Kamusu’l-Alâm (tarih-coğrafya, meşhur adamlar ansiklopedisi, c. 1, 1889), Ali Emirî / Diyarbekirli Bazı Zevatın Terceme-i Halleri (yazma eser), İsmail Hakkı İzmirli / İslâm Felsefesi Tarihi 1 (1924), Şevket Beysanoğlu / Diyarbakırlı Fikir ve Sanat Adamları (c. 1, 1966, s. 13-22), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006) - “Seyfüddin Âmidî Kimdir, Önemi Nereden İleri Gelmektedir? (Tüm Yönleriyle Diyarbakır Sempozyumu, 2010) - "Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları" (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, c.3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013) - Diyarbakır Ansiklopedisi (2013) - İhsan Işık / Geçmişten Günümüze Diyarbakırlı İlim Adamları Yazarlar ve Sanatçılar (2014).



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