Ömer Rıza Doğrul

Araştırmacı Yazar, Siyasetçi, Yazar

13 Mart, 1952
Al Azhar University

Researcher and writer (b. 1893, Cairo / Egypt – d. 1952, İstanbul). He graduated from Al Azhar University in Cairo (1911). He came to İstanbul and started as a journalist at the newspaper Tasvir-i Efkâr. He wrote articles supporting the Pan-Islamism Movement during the period of the Constitutional Monarchy and the Republic and published research on Turkish and Arabian Literature, the history of religions and religious issues. He also prepared news bulletins for İstanbul Radio.

He was elected Konya parliamentary deputy for the Democrat Party in 1950. He was the chair of the Turkish contingent that participated in the World Islamic Conference in Karachi in February 1951. His articles were published in the newspapers Tasvir-i Efkâr, İkdam, Akşam, Son Posta, Tan and Cumhuriyet. He prepared nearly one hundred compilations and translations.


Asr-ı Saadet / Sadr-ı İslâm (The Happiness Period / The Very Beginning of Islam) (Islamic History, 1928-35, in 10 volumes), Tanrı Buyruğu (The Command of God, explanation of the Koran, 1934), Yeryüzündeki Dinlerin Tarihi (History of the Religions on Earth, 1938), İslâm'ın Özü ve Kur'an'ın Ruhu (The Essence of Islam and the Spirit of the Koran, 1946), İslâmiyetin Geliştirdiği Tasavvuf (The Mysticism That Islam Developed, 1948), Ana Davalarımız, Ana Prensiplerimiz (Our Main Cases, Main Principles, 1949), İstanbul'da İktidarın Temelleri (Foundations of the Power in İstanbul, 1995).


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