Doctor and writer (b. 10 January 1930,
Adapazarı). He attended Kabataş High School (1948) and graduated from Istanbul
University, Faculty of Medicine (1955). He worked as a health specialist at
various health institutions (1962). He served as the General Director of the Social Insurance Institution (1974-75), the Undersecretary of
the Ministry of Social Security (1975) and the Chairman of the Turkish Medical
Association (1964-84).
After the military coup on 12 September 1980, he was tried by the Peace Association
with other members and was sent to prison for four years (1982-86), but later
he was acquitted. After he was released, he collected the İstanbul Chamber of
Doctors Peace Award (1986).
He attracted great public attention
with his essays on social medicine and social problems. His articles were
published in newspapers and reviews, such as Milliyet, Cumhuriyet, Toplum and
Bilim ve Sanat.
Alkol ve İnsan (Alcohol and Man, 1982), İnsan Sıcağı (Warmness of People, 1987), Sözüm Sanadır (I am Talking to You, 1987), Kendi Yurdunda Sürgünsün (You are Exile in Your Homeland, 1988), Kışkırtılmış Erkeklik-Bastırılmış Kadınlık
(Provoked Maleness-Suppressed Femaleness, 1988), Kuşatılmış Gençlik (Surrounded Youth, 1989), Gençlik Duvarları Yıkıyor (Youth Brings the Walls Down, 1990), Kırmızı Işıkta Yürümek (Walking in Red
Light, 1991), Belki de Sensin
(Perhaps It is You, 1991), Cinsellikten
İkmale Kalmak (Failure in Sexual Life, 1992), Çocuklar Büyükler ve Tavşanlar (Children, Adults and Rabbits,
1994), Hayatımız ve Değerlerimiz (Our
Life and Values, 1999), Bizim Duygusal Zekâmız (Our Emotional
Intelligence, 1999), Erken Büyüyen
Çocuklar (Children Growing up Early, 2002).