Erbil Tuşalp

Gazeteci, Yazar

09 Eylül, 1945
05 Eylül, 2020
Military Academy

Journalist and writer (b. 9 September 1945, Akşehir / Konya - d. 05 September 2020, İzmir). He graduated from the Turkish Military Academy (1974). After he had worked at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation as a cameraman, he started his journalistic career with the journals Günaydın, Vatan, Dünya and various news agencies in a range of jobs. He worked as the political correspondent in the Ankara branch office of the journal Cumhuriyet. He is a member of the Journalists Association and the Human Rights Association. He was selected as best journalist of the year in 1988 by the İstanbul Journalists Association. He is known for his research on human rights and bringing to light undisclosed information relating to political events in Turkey’s recent history such as the Susurluk case.


İnsan Hakları Dosyası / Bin İnsan (Human Rights File/ A Thousand Human Beings, 1985), Bin Tanık (A Thousand Witnesses, 1986), Bin Belge (A Thousand Documents, 1986), Artık Demokrasi İsteyin (Demand Democracy From Now On, 1987), Zehir Yüklü Bulutlar Halepçe'den Hakkari (Poison Loaded Clouds from Halepçe to Hakkari, 1988), Ben Tarihim Bay Başkan (I Am the History, Mr. President, 1989), Bozkurtlar "Töreden Partiye" (“Grey Wolves” from Tradition to Party, 2002), Vatan Millet Sakarya / Çete Parti Mafya (Passion for the Country/ Gangs, Party, Mafia, 2002).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) - Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007), Bozkurtlar (Virgül, sayı:47, Ocak 2002), Vatan Millet Sakarya / Çete Parti Mafya (Milliyet Kültür-Sanat, 14.7.2002), Serkan Öztürk / Aldanma (Virgül, Haziran 2003), Gazeteci Erbil Tuşalp hayatını kaybetti (, 5 Eylül 2020), Gazeteci-Yazar Erbil Tuşalp yaşamını yitirdi (, 5 Eylül 2020).


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