Kemal Beydilli


Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of History

Historian. He was born in Istanbul in 1942. He graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of History (1968). He received higher education on his field in Munich (1975). He has completed his doctoral studies with the thesis “16. Yüzyılda Lehistan-Osmanlı Münâsebetleri” at the same faculty he graduated from and became an associate professor and professor. He gave lectures at IU Faculty of Literature, Department of History as a lecturer and executed the duty of Contemporary History Subdivision Chair.

His articles were published in journals such as Tarih Dergisi, Osmanlı Araştırmaları, İlmî Araştırmalar Dergisi, GüneyDoğu Avrupa Araştırmaları Dergisi, Tarih Enstitüsü Dergisi, Türklük Araştırmaları Dergisi, Tarih ve Toplum, Türkiyat Mecmuası, Toplumsal Tarih since 1979 and in edited books. He has been awarded as the Author of the Year on Memoirs with his work titled Osmanlı Döneminde İmamlar ve Bir İmamın Günlüğü in 2001 from Turkey Writers’ Union. He has participated in national and international symposiums on Ottoman history and presented papers. These papers were included to the symposium books. He wrote thirteen articles in TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi. He has other works which are ready for publishing.


Die Polnishen Königswahlen und Interregnen von 1572 und 1576 im lichte Osmanischer Archivalien. Ein Beitrag zur Geshicte der Osmanischen Machtpolitik. (doctoral thesis, 1976), Büyük Fredrich ve Osmanlılar - 1790 Osmanlı Prusya İttifakı, Meydana Gelişi, Tahlili, Tatbiki (associate professorship thesis, 1984), XVIII. Yüzyılda Osmanlı Prusya Münasebetleri (1985), Seyyid Mustafa: İstanbul’da Askerlik Sanatı, Yetenekleri ve Bilimlerin Durumu Üzerine Risale (with the facsimile of leaflet’s original which was published in 1801; Foreword and Turkish translation of French leaflet by Prof. Dr. Husrev Hatemi, 1986),  1828-1829 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı’nda Doğu Anadolu’dan Rusya’ya göçürülen Ermeniler (professorship thesis, offprint, 1988), II.Mahmud Devrinde Katolik Ermeni Cemaati ve Kilisesinin Tanınması - 1830 (1995), Türk Bilim ve Matbaacılık Tarihinde Mühendishane - Mühendishane Matbaası ve Kütüphanesi 1776-1826 (1995), Mühendishâne’de Basılan Kitaplar Listesi ve Bir Katalog (1997), Mahmud Raif Efendi ve Nizâm-ı Cedid’e Dair Eseri (with İlhan Şahin, 2001), Osmanlı Döneminde İmamlar ve Bir İmamın Günlüğü (2001).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).



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