Mathematician and astronomer (B. ? – D. After 1440). He was from a family who
educated scientists. He was referred as Kadızâde because it was his grandfather
Kadı Mahmut Çelebi who raised him after the death of his father. He was also
known as Musa Paşa or Musa Çelebi. He studied religious and mental sciences
under the Molla Fenarî and his grandfather. Later, he went to
Kadızâde, who met Ulugh Beg in
The impact of the students he educated has not yet been
totally put forward in the region of Central Asia Islamic – Turkish and
There isn’t more information about the
works of Kadızâde Rumî in
In the summary of the explanation he wrote for the
work of Çağminî, Kadızâde objected to the approach of Çağminî about astronomy. According
to Kadızâde, only the situation that the world was a globe can be investigated
among physical entities. The opinions about this topic change from researcher
to researcher. Besides, the final goal of astronomy is to investigate celestial
bodies; therefore, it is not correct to deal with the earth. From the following
sentence he used in the presentation of his work named Şerhu’l-Mülahhaş fî ilmi’I-hey’e “In our days, among the foundations educating
sciences related to the truth and the foundations related to exercise,
especially the mathematical foundations are rooted out”, it is understood that
he was rather uncomfortable with the astronomy ideology of Ibn Heysem
that created a synthesis (analysis) of the physician and mathematician opinions
represented by the works of Nasirüddin-i Tûsî. This attitude of Kadızâde became
clearer with the fact that his student Ali Kuşçu tried to eliminate the
ideology of İbnü’l-Heysem in his books named er-Risâletü’l-fethiyye fî ilmi’l-hey’e and Şerhu’t-Tecrîd and it is seen that these two
scientists completed each other. As a matter of fact, these works were read
together in the Ottoman madrasahs.
MATHEMATICS: Tuhfetü'r-re îs fî
şerhi Eşkâli't-te'sîs (explanation
of the work named Eşkâlü't-tesîs
of Şemseddin Muhammed b. Eşref es-Semerkandî), Risale fi'stih-râci ceybi derece vâhide bi-amâlin müessese alâ kavaide
hisâbiyye ve hendesiyye alâ tarîkati Gıyâşiddîn el-Kâşî (Explanation of the paper of Cemşîd el-Kâşî concerning the method of algebra. The most original work written by Kadızâde in the field of mathematics), Haşiye 'ulâ Tahrîri usûli'l-hendese (An annotation written for the Tahrî-rü'l-uşûl
fî ilmi'l-hendese of Tûsî).
ASTRONOMY: Şerhu'l-Mülahhaş
fî ilmi'l-hey'e (The explanation of the el-Mülahhaş
fi'l-hey'e of Çağmînî. It is presented to Ulugh Beg. It
is the most important work that Kadızâde
wrote in the field of theoretical astronomy. It was read in Ottoman
madrasas as a secondary level school book), Hâşiye ala
Tahrîri'l-Mecistî (An annotation
explaining some difficult parts of the explanation named Tabîrü't-Tahrîr written by Nizâmeddin en-Nîşâbûrî for the work of Nasîrüddîn-i Tûsî named Tahrîrü'l-Mecistî), Risâle
fi'stihrâci hatti nışfi'n-nehâr ve semti'l-kıble (the astronomy work of Kadızâde written in Persian).
REFERENCE: Sâlih Zeki / Âsâr-ı Bâkiye (s.133-139, 186-190, 1911), Abdülhak Adnan Adıvar
/ Osmanlı Türklerinde İlim (s.
16, 1970), A. Süheyl Ünver / Bursalı Kadı Zâde Rumî ve Devrinin
Bilimcileri (İzmir 1970), Cevat İzgi / Osmanlı Medreselerinde İlim (I, 275-285,
370-388, 1997), Cemil Akpınar / Osmanlı
Astronomi Literatürü Tarih ( c. I s. 5-21; 1997), Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu /
Osmanlı Matematik Literatürü Tarihi
(2 cilt, Ramazan Şeşen ve Cevat İzgi ile, 1999), TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (c. 24, 2001), İhsan
Işık / Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) -
Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).