Kadir Canatan

Araştırmacı, Yazar

01 Nisan, 1960

Researcher-writer. He was born on April 1, 1960 in Mikail village / Hacıbektaş / Nevşehir. He completed his primary and secondary education in Turkey (1976). He received higher education in Netherlands on the field of Social Services (1989), Cultural anthropology and sociology (1993). His masters’ thesis was titled: “Türkiye’de Kentleşme ve Gecekondulaşma.” He worked at Consultancy Council for Turks, Netherland Muslim Publications Foundation, and Netherlands Islam Seniors Union in Rotterdam where he is a resident since 1979. He contributed to the cultural life of Muslims in Europe with his works on cultural identity problems.

His articles were published in journals such as Kitap Dergisi (1989-92), Dış Politika (1989-90), Nehir (1994-95), Bilgi ve Hikmet (1993-95) in Turkey and Söz Hakkı (1989-95) in Netherlands. He is a member Turkey Writers’ Union.


Göçmenlerin Kimlik Arayışı (1990), Üçüncü Dünya ve Çevre (çeviri, 1990), Entegrasyon Politikası (1993), Bir Değişim Süreci Olarak Modernleşme (1995), Avrupa’da Müslüman Azınlıklar (1996), Nisandan İnsana (2005), Kur’an’da Hz. Peygamberimize Sorulan 13 Soru (2005).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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