Writer (b. 1941, İstanbul). He is a
graduate of Şişli Terakki High School, Science Branch (1959), Ankara
University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of Economics and Finance
(1963). He graduated from Michigan University, Advanced School of Social Work
(United States, 1996) with a scholarship from the United Nations. Appointed to
Hacettepe University upon his return to Turkey, Kongar served as an assistant
at the Faculty of Social and Administrative Sciences and the Advanced School of
Social Work and Social Services, the foundation of which he also participated
(1969). He became assistant professor and professor in 1976 and 1981
respectively. He had to leave the university at the beginning of 1983 and he
was appointed manager of a public survey organization. He became the
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Culture (1987) during the True Path
Party/Social Democrat Populist Party (later, the Republican People’s Party)
coalition government. He is famous for his research and analysis on Turkish
cultural life.
He received the Turkish Language
Association Award in 1977 with his book Türkiye'nin
Toplumsal Yapısı (The Social Structure of Turkey). In addition, he shared
the Sedat Simavi Foundation, Social Sciences Award (1979) with his book Toplumsal Değişme Kuramları ve Türkiye
Gerçeği (Theories of Social Change and the Reality of Turkey) with Çelik
Gülersoy. Moreover, he collected the following awards for the following works:
the Turkish Language Association, Science Award (1977) and the Sedat Simavi
Social Sciences Award (1979) for Hocaefendi'nin
Sandukası (The Scholar’s Sarcophagus) and the Aydın Doğan Foundation
“Social and Human Sciences” Award (1998) with 21.Yüzyılda Türkiye- 2000'li Yıllarda Türkiye'nin Toplumsal Yapısı
(Turkey in the 21st Century- the Social Structure of Turkey in the
RESEARCH-STUDY: Türkiye'nin Toplumsal Yapısı (Social Structure of Turkey, 1976;
under the title Turkey in the 21st Century- the Social Structure of
Turkey in the 2000s, 1998), Toplumsal
Değişme Kuramları ve Türkiye Gerçeği (Theories of Social Change and the
Reality of Turkey, 1979), Atatürk ve
Devrim Kuramları (Theories on Atatürk and Revolutions, 1981), Türk Toplum Bilimcileri (Turkish
Sociologists, 1982), Devrim Tarihi ve
Toplum Bilim Açısından Atatürk (Atatürk in Relation to Revolutionary
History and Sociology, 1983), Atatürk
Üzerine (On Atatürk, 1983), Türkiye
Üzerine Araştırmalar (Research on Turkey, 1986), 12 Eylül ve Sonrası (12 September Coup d’Etat and Its Aftermath,
1987), 21. Yüzyılda Dünya, Türkiye ve
Kamuoyu (World, Turkey and Public Opinion in the 21st Century, 1992), 12 Eylül Kültürü (12 September Culture,
1993), Toplumsal Değişme Kuramları ve
Türkiye Gerçeği (Theories of Social Change and the Reality of Turkey,
MONOGRAPH: Cavit Orhan Tütengil (1982).
ESSAY: Kültür Üzerine (On Culture, 1982), Demokrasi ve Kültür (Democracy and Culture, 1983), Kültür ve İletişim (Culture and
Communication, 1986), Yaşamanın Anlamı
(Meaning of Life, 1987), Demokrasi ve
Laiklik (Democracy of Secularism, 1997), Yamyamlara Oy Yok (No Vote for the Cannibals, 1998), Konsantremi Bozma (Don’t Disturb My
Concentration, 1999), Demokrasi ve
Vampirler (Democracy and Vampires, 2002).
NOVEL: Hocaefendinin Sandukası (The Scholar’s Sarcophagus, 1989).
MEMOIR: Ben Müsteşarken (When I Was Undersecretary, 1995).
LETTER: Kızlarıma Mektuplar (Letters to My Daughters, 2001).