Emiroğlu Mehmed Said


Suleymaniye Mekteb-i Adli ve Edebiyye, Fatih Madrasah

Educator (B. 1836, Istanbul – D. 1918, Istanbul). He completed his primary school education at Fatih Primary School, his secondary education at Eyüp Secondary School and his high school education at Suleymaniye Mekteb-I Adli ve Edebiyye. He was ratified from Fatih Madrasah. He was appointed as redactor of Administrative printing Press in 1857. He worked there for eleven years; and then he worked as a teacher of composition, Arabic, Ottoman grammar, Ottoman literature and moral lectures at several schools. He resigned on September 14, 1900. He was appointed as the literature teacher of Girls’ Teacher Training School in the same year. He resigned from this post in 1908.


MORAL: Vezâifü’l-inâs (1886), Ahlâk-ı Hamîde (1902).

TRANSLATION: el-Munkız mine’d-Dalâl (Gazâlî’den), Tuhfetü’l-Erîb (From Abdullah Tercüman), Etvâku’z-Zeheb (From Zemahşerî).

REFERENCE: Mücellidoğlu Ali Çankaya / Yeni Mülkiye Tarihi ve Mülkiyeliler (vol. II, 1968), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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