Abdülhak Molla

Doctor of Medicine, Writer, Poet

22 December, 1786
19 May, 1854
Other Names
Abdülhak B. Maho

Doctor, poet, historian (B. December 22, 1786, Istanbul- D. May 19, 1854, Istanbul). He is the son of Emin Şükrü Bey, who was one of the teachers in Imperial Council, father of the chief doctor and historian Hayrullah Efendi, grandfather of Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan and brother of the chief doctor Mustafa Behçet Efendi. After he graduated from Süleymaniye Madrasah, he has had Medical Education. He was assigned as a doctor to old palace (1801). He and his elder brother Behçet Efendi, who was the chief doctor and Anatolian Kadi-ul Asker, were exiled to Keşan with the justification of running down to Halet Efendi (1821). With the pardon, their younger brother historian Hızır İlyas took from II. Mahmud, he and Behçet Efendi could return to Istanbul, to their old jobs ten months later. Firstly, he was assigned as a doctor in the new palace, then a chief doctor of private soldiers (1827). He was dignified by mullah of Selânik (1827) and Yenişehir (1828) and later mullah of Mekke (1829) and Istanbul (1832) because he was raised in madrasah. He became the chief doctor (1833) and Minister of Forensics School. He was dignified as Anatolian Kadi-ul Asker (1836); but same year his honor was taken back and he was expelled from being a chief doctor. Three years later, he was assigned again and became Anatolian Kadi-ul Asker and a chief doctor (1839). He was assigned as Rumelia Kadi-ul Asker (1841). Later, he resigned from his chief doctor duty by his own will (1845). He was assigned as an Educational Council President and a chief doctor for the third time (1847). He became Rumelia Kadi-ul Asker again and suspended from his chief doctor duty (1848). He got the title of Head of Ulama (1852) and he died while he was on duty. His grave is in Mahmud II Han’s shrine.

Abdülhak Molla, became a chief doctor three times and had the highest degree of religious scholars, provided the opening of Medical School (1827) and let the medical developments get in to the country.  He worked as a director in medical school and also worked as a teacher. He established the quarantine organization against epidemic illness and he made smallpox vaccination mandatory. When he was the chief doctor in Medical School, he applied the projects of Dr. C. A. Bernard, who came from Vienna (1839). He got the permission from sultan to practice anatomy lesson on dead bodies (1840). He was known with his powerful poems as well as his scientific works. His unpublished poems were placed in the collection of biographies. His poems are in the handwritten journal of Mustafa Behçet Efendi and it is in the private library of lawyer Halil Edhem Arda. When he was exiled in Keşan, he wrote a 333 couplets poem for a story he heard from an encomiast. In his work Târih-i Livâ, he wrote about the events while he was staying in Mahmud II’s Râmi Quarter during the 1828 and 1829 Russian War. In his work Rûznâme, he wrote his observations about Mahmud II’s deadly illness. He prepared the Hezâr Esrar with Mustafa Behçet Efendi; in this work they collected the information about old medical habits and 850 medicines. This work was published by Hayrullah Effendi in İstanbul, in 1862.


Mecmua-i Mersiye-i Hazret-i İmam Hüseyin, Târih-i Livâ.

REFERENCE: A. Süheyl Ünver / Tıp Tarihi (1943), TDE Ansiklopedisi (vol. 1, 1976), TDV Ansiklopedisi (vol.1 1988), Adnan Adıvar / Osmanlı Türklerinde İlim (1943), Osman Nuri Ergin / Türkiye Maarif Tarihi (1979), TDOE –TDE Ansiklopedisi 2 (2002). 


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