Researcher and writer (b. 1863, İmran /
Malatya – d. 1961, İstanbul). He worked as a head clerk, observer and branch
manager at İstanbul Municipality. He worked as the secretary of governor’s
office and municipality. He also gave lectures of literature, philosophy and
sociology in İstanbul.
He became known for his deep researches
on Turkey education history and governorship in Turkey and other Islamic
countries, especially for his work of five volumes Türkiye Maarif Tarihi (Turkey Education History).
Mecelle-i Umûr-ı Belediye (Municipality Works Book, 5 volumes, 1912-22), Türkiye'de İlk Halk Mektebi (First Public School in Turkey, 1927), İstanbul Şehreminleri (İstanbul Mayors, 1928, new edition. 2002), Cumhuriyet ve İstanbul Mahallî İdaresi (Republic and İstanbul Local Administration, 1933), İstanbul Şehir Rehberi (İstanbul City Guide, 1934), Türkiye'de Şehirciliğin Tarihî İnkişafı (Historical Development of Urbanism in Turkey, 1936), İbn-i Sina Şahsiyeti ve Eserleri Hakkında Tetkikler (Avicenna His Personality Works and Studies on His Life, 1936), Türk Tarihinde Evkaf, Belediye ve Patrikhaneler (Foundations, Municipality and Patriarchates in Turkish History, 1937), Muallim M. Cevdet'in Hayatı, Eserleri ve Kütüphanesi (Life, Works and Library of Teacher M. Cevdet, 1937), İstanbul'da 5 Asırlık İmar ve İskân Hareketleri (Development and Housing in İstanbul for Five Centuries, 1938), İstanbul Tıp Mektepler, Enstitüleri ve Cemiyetleri (Medical Schools, Institutes and Associations of İstanbul, 1940), Türkiye Maarif Tarihi (Turkey Education History, in 5 volumes, 1939-43), Dr. Süheyl Ünver Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Dr. Süheyl Ünver, 1941), Balıkesirli Abdülaziz Mecdi'nin Hayatı ve Şahsiyeti (Life and Personality of Abdülaziz Mecdi of Balıkesir, 1942), Fatih İmareti Vakfiyesi (Fatih Imaret Foundation, 1945).