Islamic Law researcher. He was born in Gövençlik Village/
Denizli on March 11, 1945. He completed primary school education in his
village. He graduated from Izmir
Imam Hatip School (1965), Izmir High Islam
Institute. He stayed in Baghdad
between 1965 and 1966. He worked as vice Izmir Mufti, as vocational courses’ teacher
in Imam Hatip High School,
as lecturer at Izmir High Islam Institute and as Vice Principal in the same
institution. He received his Ph.D. with his thesis “İslâm
Ekonomisinde Gelir Dağılımı” in 1979, became an assistant professor in
1983, an associate professor in 1989, and a professor in 1996. He attended to
scientific activities in England,
Germany, Holland
and America.
He worked as a head of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Theology Islamic Law
Subdivision. His articles were published in DEÜ İlâhiyat Fakültesi Dergisi beginning from 1983. He attended to congresses
and symposiums about his field and submitted several papers.
Açısından Enflasyon ve Çözüm Yolları (1983), İslâm Hukuku Açısından
Serbest Piyasa Ekonomisi (1995), İslâm Hukukunda Vergiler (1996), İslâm
Hukukunda Vergiler (with the translation of Yahya b. Adem’s Kitabu’l-Harâc,
1996), İslâm Hukuku Açısından Hukuk ve İnsan Hakları (1996), İslâm ve
Ekonomi (1999), İslâm ve Çağdaş İslâm’da Enflasyon ve Para, Vergi
Anlayışının Eleştirisi.
İslâm’da Sosyal Dayanışma (from M. E. Zehra, 1969), İslâm’da İtikadi
ve Siyasî Mezhepler Tarihi (from M. E. Zehra, 1971), Doğum Kontrolü ve
İslâm (1971).
İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).