Ejder Okumuş


Selçuk University Faculty of Theology

Theologian (b. 1967, Beyoğlu Town / Türkoğlu / Kahramanmaraş).  He completed his primary and secondary education in Kahramanmaraş (1983) and his higher education at Selçuk University Faculty of Theology in Konya (1988).  He worked as a teacher in İstanbul (1989-92) and Kahramanmaraş (1992-94). He completed his master’s degree with the thesis “Kur’an’da Toplumsal Çöküş’ün Nedenleri” (Reasons of Social Collapse in the Koran, 1995) and his doctorate at Marmara University, Social Sciences Institute, Philosophy and Religious Science Principle Information Branch and Religious Sociology Science Branch with his thesis “Osmanlı Devleti’nde Tanzimat Dönemi Din Devlet İlişkisi” (Religion and Ottoman State Relations in the Period of the Tanzimat*, 1999). He worked as a teacher for four years in İstanbul and one year in Kahramanmaraş between the years 1989 and 1994.  In 1994, he resigned from teaching and began as a research assistant at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Faculty of Theology.  In 2000, he became an associate professor and in 2002 he became a professor.  He speaks English, Persian and Arabic.

He is still working as the Head of the Sociology of Religion Main Branch at Dicle University, Faculty of Theology.  His articles have been published in the reviews Kitap Dergisi, Akademik Araştırma, Sosyoloji Tartışmaları, Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma, Dîvân, Kamu Hukuku Arşivi, Dicle Ü. İlahiyat F. Dergisi, Marife Dergisi, İslâmîAraştırmalar Dergisi, Türkler, Yeni Türkiye, İslâmiyât and in Türkler Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Turks).


Kur’an’da Kur’an (The Koran in the Koran, 1990), Kur’an’da Toplumsal Çöküş (Social Collapse in Koran, 1995), Türkiye’nin Laikleşme Serüveninde Tanzimat (Tanzimat* in the Adventure of Turkey’s Secularism, 1999), Gösterişçi Dindarlık (Pretentious Religiousness, 2002), Toplumsal Değişme ve Din (Social Change and Religion, 2003), Meşrutiyet Ekseninde Din ve Devlet (Religion and State in the Axis of the Constitutional Monarchy, 2003), Dinin Meşrûlaştırma Gücü (The Power of Religious Legalization, 2005).

He has also translated works. 



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