Osman Bolulu

Yazar, Şair

02 Ağustos, 2017
Ankara Gazi Institute of Education Department of Literature

Poet and writer (b. ?, Tekke village / Taşova / Amasya). He attended the Tekke Village Primary School (1942), the Akpınar Village Institute of Ladik (1947), and graduated from the Ankara Gazi Institute of Education, Department of Literature (1954) and the Turkey and Middle East Institute of Public Administration (1964). He worked as teacher and director at primary and secondary schools. He retired in 1981, after serving as an inspector at the Ministry of National Education. He continued his studies as an independent writer in Ankara. He is a member of the Turkish Authors Association and the Language Society.

His first poem “Ümit Dünyası” (World of Hope) was published in the review Nilüfer (issue 72, December 1951). His other poems and articles appeared in the reviews Bizim Dağarcık, Varlık, Ataç, Ilgaz, İmbat, Yelpaze, Çağda Türk Dili, Türk Dili Dergisi, Kıyı, İnsancıl, Karşı, Damar, Gerçek Sanat, Öykü-şiir, Biçem, Abece and in the newspaper Cumhuriyet. He published the review Duruluk in Reşadiye (1955-56) and İlke in Amasya (1961). He edited some reviews in Ankara, such as Öğretmen Dünyası and ABC (1992-93). He collected the Nabi Üçüncüoğlu and Vedat Güler Awards with his poem Yurt Boyu Sevişmek (Making Love across the Country) in 1992, and the Ministry of Culture Great Award in 1998 with İnsan İnsana Eklene Eklene (By Adding People to People). Some of his poems were translated into Danish. One of his poems was translated into French and included in a book in French and Turkish, with the title Ankara'dan 20 Şair (20 Poets from Ankara).


POETRY: Dalların Ucundaki (The Thing at the End of Branches, 1955), Bileşim Çizgisi (The Line of Composition, 1963), Yurtboyu Sevişmek (Making Love across the Country, 1992), Taşın İyisi (The Best Stone, 1992), Uzun Koşu (The Long Run, 1994), Güle Yolculuk (A Journey to Rose, 1996).

BIOGRAPHY: Ahmet Miskioğlu Kitabı (The Book of Ahmet Miskioğlu, 2004).

ESSAY: Antilaikliğin Önlenmeyen Yükselişi (The Unpreventable Rise of Anti-secularism, 1994), Belleksiz Toplum (The Society without a Memory, 1995), Korkacaksan Kitapsızlardan Kork (If You Will Be Afraid, Be Afraid of Disbelievers, 1995), İnsan İnsana Eklene Eklene (Adding People to People, 1998), İnsanlığın Solmaz Gülleri (The Colorfast Roses of Humanity, 2002).

SHORT STORY: Yağmur Sonrası (After the Rain, 1998).

STUDY: Türkiye'de Mahalli İdarelerin Eğitim Öğretim Kurumlarıyla İlgisi (The Relations of Local Administrations with Education and Training Institutions in Turkey, 1965).

FAIRY TALE: Devlet Kuşu (Good Fortune, 1970).

ANTHOLOGY: 10 Kasım ve Atatürk (November 10th and Atatürk, 1970), İlk Dersimiz Atatürk (Our First Lesson is Atatürk, 1981), Şiir Coğrafyamız (The Geography of Our Poetry, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000). 

He also wrote textbooks and auxiliary textbooks.

REFERENCE: Nasır dergisi (8.sayı, Eylül 1956), İ. Zeki Burdurlu / Öğretmen Şairler Antolojisi (1976), Çağdaş Türk Dili (Temmuz 1989), Mehmet Aydın / Şairler Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1992), Cemal Gürlek / Yurt Boyu Sevişmek (Yazı dergisi, Eylül 1992), Vecihi Timuroğlu / Yurt / Boyu Sevişmek (İnsancıl dergisi, sayı: 23, Eylül 1992), Osman Bolulu / Halktan Olmak Fakat Halk Kalmaktan Korkmak (Damar dergisi, sayı: 51, Haziran 1995), Tacim Çiçek / "Uzun Koşu"cu Osman Bolulu (Gerçek Sanat, sayı: 10, Temmuz 1995), Muzaffer Uyguner / Osman Bolulu'dan Denemeler Toplamı: "İnsan İnsana Eklene Eklene" (Cumhuriyet Kitap, sayı: 504, 14 Ekim 1999), Vedat Yazıcı / Martıya Mektuplar (2000), TBE Ansiklopedisi (c.1. 2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) - Ünlü Edebiyatçılar (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 4, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Ahmet Köklügiller / Türk ve Dünya Edebiyatında Yazarlar Sözlüğü (2002), Osman Bolulu'nun Denemeleri (Damar, Mart 2002), "Sorumluluk Duyuyorum Öyleyse Varım", Osman Bolulu'nun 50. Sanat Yılı (Damar dergisi, sayı:132, Mart 2002), Tansu Bele / Dilden Düşünüşe Uzun Koşu (2004), Vitrindekiler / Sözün Işığı (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 24.2.2005), Osman Bolulu vefat etti (tasova.gen.tr, 04.08.2017).


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