Nusret Ertürk

Story Writer, Writer

Eskişehir Anatolian University
     Storywriter (b. 1945, Aşağı Irmaklar district / Ardanuç / Artvin). He graduated from Cılavuz Primary Teachers Training School (1963), Erzurum Kazım Karabekir Institute of Education, Department of Turkish (1970) and Eskişehir Anatolian University (1991). He worked as class teacher in the centers and villages of Tutak (Ağrı) ve Pazar (Rize) and as Turkish teacher in Trabzon, Artvin and Ankara.

His first short story was published in the review of Artvin People’s House, Çoruh (Mart 1966). His other works were published in the reviews Yelken, Yansıma, Ilgaz, Oluşum, Edebiyat Cephesi, Sesimiz, Çıra, Türkiye Yazıları, abece, Kıyı, Kiraz, Varlık and the newspaper Cumhuriyet and broadcasted in Turkish Radio and Television Corporation. He received the 1979 Spor-Toto Fairy Tale Award.

WORKS (Short Story):

Köydeki Keklikler (Partridges in the Village, 1976), Küçük Adam (Little Man, 1978), Hurma Ağacı ile Sarmaşık (Date-Palm and Ivy, 1978), Bir Günün İki Sabahı (Two Mornings of a Day, 1994), Mor Ali (Ali, the Purple, 1998), Kanatlı Karıncalar (Winged Ants, 2000).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007). 



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