Nihat Ziyalan

Actor/Actress, Poet

26 February, 1936

Poet (b. 1939, Adana). He attended Adana Tepebağ Elementary School. He studied at Aviation Noncommissioned Officer School and Adana High School for Boys for a time but discontinued. He worked in movies as an actor in İstanbul. Afterwards, he went to Australia as a worker. His poetry was first published in the art page of the newspaper Bugün that was published in Adana, and in other reviews such as Yeditepe, Dost, Pazar Postası and Papirüs. He is known for his poems that are classified as Second New Movement.


POETRY: Asık Yüzlünün Biri (Just A Sulky Man, 1963), Güvercin Uçuşu (Pigeon’s Flight, 1980), Avustralya'dan Şiir (Poetry From Australia, 1985).

SHORT STORY: Kısa Pantolonlu Sevda (Love with Short Trousers, 2001).

NOVEL: Güneşle Damgalı (Sealed with the Sun, 2000), Menekşeli Konak (Mansion with Violets, 2004).



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