Necla Arat

Felsefe Araştırmacısı

05 Ocak, 1940
Istanbul University Department of Philosophy-Sociology

Philosopher, interpreter. She was born on January 5, 1940 in Istanbul. She has completed high school in California, where she went with American Field Service scholarship. She graduated from Istanbul University, Department of Philosophy-Sociology in 1964. She has completed her doctoral studies at the department of Philosophy. She became an associate professor and professor at Systematic Philosophy. She was the chair of the same department.

Her articles were published in several national and international journals and edited books. She was the editor of Women’s Studies Review. She focused on subjects such as ethics, political philosophy and women studies. She received 1993, 1994 and 1995 awards of Kadınca magazine, Award of Women of Republic in the 75th Year of Republic by Mimoza journal (1998), Republic’s Women Award by Turkish Women Union (1998), Communication Award of Germany Ataturk’s Ideas Association (1999) and Modern Education Award of Modern Education Foundation in 2005.

She was one of the founders of The Association for Supporting Contemporary Life, Foundation for Modern Education and ANACEV. She has established the first Women’s Problems Research and Application Center of Turkey at Istanbul University in 1989. She is the founding member of institutions such as Turkish Women Council, Philosophy Association, Association of University Lecturers and Women Research Association. She was also the founding president and coordinator of Istanbul Women Institutions Union, which was established with the unification of thirty five women’s associations in 1995.


RESAERCH: Sembolik Form olarak Sanat (1977), Etik ve Estetik Değerler (1979), Kadın Sorunu (1980), Feminizm’ in ABC’si (1991), Kadınlar ve Siyasal Yaşam (1991),   Türkiye’de Kadın Olgusu (1992), Kadın ve Cinsellik (1993), Kadın Girişimcilik (1993), Türkiye’de Kadın Olmak (1994), Kadın Gerçeklikleri (1996), Kadınların Gündemi (1997), Susmayan Yazılar (1997), Aydınlanmanın Kadınları (1998), Siyaset Kadın ve İrtica (2001), Türkiye’de  

TRANSLATION: İnsan Üzerine Bir Deneme (from E. Cassirer, 1980), Devlet Efsanesi  (from E. Cassirer, 1984), Estetik Seçme Metinler (1980), Yeni Bir İnsan Yeni Bir Toplum (1981), Kendini Savunan İnsan (from E. Fromm, 1986), Modern Siyasal Düşünce Tarihi içinde “Thomas Hobbes” (from Monk, 2004).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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