Bülbülcüzâde (Fethî Abdülkerim)

Bilgin, Mutasavvıf, Şair

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Fethî Abdülkerim

Mystic poet and scholar (B. ?, Bursa – D. 1694, Bursa). He is a Halveti sheikh, and one of the caliphs of Abdülahad Nuri. His father is Abdüllatif Karamani, one of the famous scholars of that period. He completed his training and mysticism services in Istanbul. He was lectern sheikh in some of Selatin mosques. His tomb is located at south wind direction of Abdülahad Nuri Shrine.


Dîvan, Sülûk ve Meviza Risalesi.

REFERENCE: Bursalı Mehmed Tahir / Osmanlı Müellifleri I (1972), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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