Nail Tan

Halk Bilimci (Folklor Araştırmacısı), Şair

10 Aralık, 1941
Bursa Education Institute Literature Department, Anatolian University Turkish Language and Literature Department

    Folklorist and poet (b. 10 December 1941, Kavacık village / Araç / Kastamonu). He attended Kastamonu Abdülhakhamit Primary School (1953) and graduated from Göl Teacher Training School (1959), Abdurrahman Paşa High School (1960), Bursa Education Institute, Literature Department (1990), the Institute of Turkey and Middle East Public Management, the National Security Academy and the Anatolian University, Turkish Language and Literature Department (1988). He worked as teacher and director at primary schools in Van and Kastamonu (1962-68), as assistant director at the Institute of National Folklore at the Ministry of National Education (1970-73). He worked in various jobs as a research manager at the National Folklore Department at Ministry of Culture (1973-78, 1979-84), as an assistant to the General Director of Fine Arts (1984-88), as a specialist advisor to the Ankara State Folk Music Chorus (1988-97) and as the General Director of Folk Culture Research and Development (1997-98). He officially retired in 1998. He continued his services as a specialist at the Turkish Language Association after 1998.

His first poem, Karanlıklar (Dark) was published in the journal Şiir Dergisi (April 1961, İstanbul). He published more than 500 articles and his other works in the journals Hisar, Türk Kültürü, Türk Dili, Türk Edebiyatı, Çağrı, Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, Türk Folkloru, Sivas Folkloru, Karınca, Tarla, Türk Kültürü, Kültür ve Sanat, Sanat Dünyamız, Türkiyemiz, Sanat, Sanat Çevresi, Erciyes, Güneyde Kültür, İçel Kültürü, Musiki Mecmuası, Millî Kültür, Sümerbank, Millî Eğitim, Kemalist Ülkü, TÜRSAB, TÜRKSOY, Bilge, Erdem, Size, Çevren, Anadolu Folkloru etc.

Other than his original published works, he did research for the books by Ministry of Culture such as Atatürk Albümleri (Albums of Atatürk), Cephelerden Kurtuluş Savaşına (From the Fronts to the Independence War), Türkiye Cumhuriyeti 1923-1938, İnönü Albümü (1923-1938 The Turkish Republic Album of İnönü), 75. Yıldönümünde Lozan (Lausanne on the 75th Anniversary), Vatan Millet ve Bayrak Sevgisi (Love of Homeland, Nation and Flag), Türkiye'nin Şaheserleri (Masterpieces of Turkey), Ankara Albümü (Album of Ankara). He prepared the “Revolutions” section of Anıtkabir Atatürk ve Kurtuluş Savaşı Müzesi (Museum of Anıtkabir (Atatürk’s Grave Monument in Anakara), Atatürk and the Independence War). He received the İhsan Hınçer Service to Turkish Folklore Award in 1981. His radio programs such as Bir Bulut Yakalayalım (Let’s Catch A Cloud, 1989), Vasiyet (Will, radio serial, 1990), Sepetçioğlu Osman Efe (1989), Üçpınar Köyünün Sırları (Secrets of Üçpınar Village, radio serial, 1988) were broadcast by the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation. An honorary doctorate was given to Nail Tan by Bakü Asya University and two different honorary doctorates by the VEKTOR Science Production Association. He is a member of the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey and the Writers Union of Azerbaijan.


RESEARCH-STUDY: Evliya Çelebi Seyahatnamesi Folklorik Dizin Denemesi (A Essay on the Folkloric Guide of Evliya Çelebi Travel Book, 1974), Borlu Kemalî Baba (Borlu Kemali Father, with Tevfik Özkubat, 1975), Türk Çocuklarına Yanıltmacalar (Tongue Twisters for Children, 1975), H. Cahit Öztelli Kaynakçası (Bibliography of H. Cahit Öztelli, with İ. Ünver, 1979), Atatürk ve Türk Folkloru (Atatürk and Turkish Folklore, 1981), Ayhan İnal'ın Şairliği (Poetry of Ayhan İnal, 1981, new edition, with the name “Ayhan İnal in his 50th Year in Art”, 2001), Çocuklarımıza Folklor Hazinemizden Seçmeler (Selections from Our Folklore Treasure for Children, 1981), Âşık Tahirî Bibliyografyası (Bibliography of Minstrel History, with H. İvgin, 1983), Karınca Dergisi Kooperatifçilikle İlgili Bibliyografya (Bibliography Related to the Cooperative of Karınca Journal, with H. İvgin and İ.Ü. Nasrattınoğlu, 1984), Folklor (Folklore) Genel Bilgiler (General Information, 1985, 6th edition in 2003), Folklorumuzda Ölçülü Sözler (Verse Meter in Our Folklore, 1985), Türk Halk Ezgileri (Turkish Folk Melodies, with M. Özbek and Y. Doruk, 3 fascicules, 1988-90), Türk Halk Oyunları Kataloğu (Catalog of Turkish Folk Dance, 1st book: 1991, 2nd book: with A. Çakır, 1997, 3rd book: with A. Çakır, 1999), 21. Yüzyılın Eşiğinde Örf ve Âdetlerimiz (Our Customs and Habits at the Beginning of the 21st Century, collaborative work, 1991), Folklorik Türk Kıyafetleri (Folkloric Turkish Dress, with M. Özel, 1992), Kayseri Albümü (Album of Kayseri, with A. Satoğlu and A. Yeğen, 1995), Bayburt Musiki Folkloru (Bayburt Traditional Turkish Music Folklore, with S. Turhan, 1996), Ankara Halk Müziği (Folk Music of Ankara, with S. Turhan, 1998), Çankırı Halk Müziği (Folk Music of Çankırı, with S. Turhan, 1999), Divan ve Halk Edebiyatımızda Lâedrî ve Ölçülü Sözler (Anonymous Authors and Verse Meter in Divan* and Folk Literature, 1999), Sepetçioğlu Osman Efe (Sepetçioğlu Osman Efe, study, 1999), Folklorumuzda Politik Fıkralar (Political Anecdotes in Our Folklore, 1999), Cumhuriyetin 75. Yıldönümünde Kooperatifçilik Kurumu (Cooperation Foundations on the 75th Anniversary of the Republic, with İ. Kayacan and İ. Ünver, 1999), Atatürk ve Türk Halk Kültürü (Atatürk and Folklore, 2000), Kırıkkale Halk Müziği (Folk Music of Kırıkkale, with S. Turhan, 2000), Kırşehir Halk Müziği (Folk Music of Kırşehir, with S. Turhan,and M. Kara, A. Gündüz, 2000), Uşak Türküleri (Folk Songs of Uşak, with S. Turhan, 2001), Kastamonulu İki Yazar: Oğuz Atay - O. Anbarcıoğlu (Two Writers From Kastamonu: Oğuz Atay- O. Anbarcıoğlu, 2001), Van Halk Müziğine Giriş (Introduction to the Folk Music of Van, with S. Turhan, 2001), Kuruluşunun 50. Yıldönümünde TDK (The Turkish Language Association on its 50th Anniversary, 2001), Artvin Halk Müziğine Giriş (Introduction to the Folk Music of Artvin, with S. Turhan, 2001), Kastamonulu İki Ünlü Şair ve Yazar: Orhan Şaik Gökyay - M. Behçet Necatigil ve Yaşayan Şairlerimizden Bir Bölümü (Two Famous Writers from Kastamonu: Orhan Şaik Gökyay-M. Behçet Necatigil and Some of Our Living Poets, 2002), Isparta Türküleri (Folk Songs of Isparta, 2002), Kastamonulu İki Şair, Araştırmacı, Hikâyeci ve Oyun Yazarı - Hakkı Kâmil Beşe ve Halil Erdoğan (Two Writers, Researchers, Story and Play Writers from Kastamonu - Hakkı Kâmil Beşe and Halil Erdoğan, 2003), Cumhuriyet Dönemi Kültür Çalışmalarının Dünü, Bugünü, Yarını (Past, Present and Future of Cultural Studies in the Republic Period, 2003), Orhan Şaik Gökyay I-II-III (Orhan Şaik Gökyay I-II-III with H. Rıdvan Çongur, 2004), Kastamonulu Ünlü Sahne Sanatçıları (Famous Stage Artists from Kastamonu, 2004), Gurur Kaynağımız Kastamonulular (People from Kastamonu Who Are Our Reason to be Proud, 2004).

POETRY: Acaba Biraz Maviniz Biraz Yeşiliniz Var mı? (Excuse me, Do You Have Some Blue and Some Yellow?, 1990), Gelince Gözlerine Bahar (When Spring Comes into Your Eyes, 2002), Divarların Arasındaki Gökyüzü (Sky between the Walls, 2004).

PLAY: Böyle Daha Güzel, Kim? (Who Is More Beautiful Than This?, play-folk tale, 1999), Sepetçioğlu Osman Efe (Sepetçioğlu Osman Efe with Sabahattin Engin, 2001), Sabretya-Plaketya (Sabretya-Plaketya, 2002).

REFERENCE: M. Şakir Ülkütaşır / E. Çelebi Seyahatnamesi Folklorik Dizin Denemesi (Türk Folklor Araştırmaları, Ekim 1974Tahir Kutsi Makal / Nail Tan Kimdir? (Tarla, yıl: 31, Eylül 1997), Mehmet Aldan / Nail Tan ve Yapıtları (İdarecinin Sesi, sayı: 84, Ocak-Şubat 2001), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013),  TBE Ansiklopedisi (c. 2, 2001), Hayrettin İvgin / Nail Tan [Biyografi-Bibliyografya] (2003), Nail Tan - Özdemir Tan / Gurur Kaynağımız Kastamonulular IV (2005), 2011 yılında Nail Tan’a Armağan (hzl. Prof. Dr. Tuncer Gülensoy - Hayrettin İvgin, 2011).


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