Poet and writer (b. 8 October 1953,
Bilecik). He attended Eskişehir Maarif College (1971) and graduated from the
Middle Eastern Technical University, Faculty of Administrational Sciences
(1978). He began his professional career at the Ministry of Culture in 1975.
After 1977, he worked at the Embassy of Copenhagen for two years. In 1979, he
became an assistant at Anadolu University. He became a doctor there in 1986,
and later an associate professor and then a professor. He still gives lectures at
İstanbul Bilgi University, Faculty of Communication and works as the First
Consultant to the Prime Minister (2003).
Besides these duties, he was one of the
founders of the reviews Deneme
(1969-72) and Gelişme (1972-74) when
he was a student. In 1979, he established the Yeryüzü Publishing House together
with İsmet Özel, Ahmet Kot and Bekir Şahin. He worked as the consultant to the
general director at the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (1986-87),
publishing consultant at the newspaper Zaman
(1986-87), consultant to the Ministry of National Education (1988-92),
consultant to the Prime Minister (1990-91), broadcasting consultant at Channel
7 (1995-98) and editor-in-chief at the newspaper Yeni Şafak. He produced and presented the television program 360
Derece (360 Degrees) on Channel 7.
His poems and articles appeared in the
newspapers and reviews Hareket
(1968), Deneme (1970-73), Gelişme
(1973-75), Mavera (1980), Yeni Devir (1977-80), Millî Gazete (1986), Zaman (1986-87), Albatros (1988), Türkiye Kültür ve Sanat Yıllığı, Millî
Eğitim, Türk Yurdu, Aktüel (weekly) and Türkiye
Günlüğü. He has written on foreign politics with the pen name Enes Harman
in the newspaper Yeni Devir. He has
also used the pen name Veysel Vedat. His poems, which attracted great interest
in the reviews, have not been collected in a book.
TURKISH: Türk Dili Batı Edebiyatı'ndan Seçmeler (Selections from Turkish Language
Western Literature, 1986), Düşünce ve
Uygarlık Tarihi (History of Thought and Civilization, 3 volumes, in collaboration
with S. H. Bolay, 1987), İletişim
Düşüncesinin Gelişimi Eğitim Öğretim Boyutlarıyla Bir Model Denemesi
(Development of the Idea of Communication, An Essay on a Model with Educational
Aspects, 1988), Evvel Zaman İçinde
(Once Upon a Time, with the pen name Molla Kasım, humorous articles,
Information Society Challenge for Education Policies, 1989), Bombacı Parmenides (Bomber Parmenides,
1989), Kitle Kültürü ve Enformatik
Cehalet (Mass Culture and Informational Ignorance, 1990).
ENGLISH: Bilgi Toplumunun Türk Eğitim Politikasına Meydan Okuyuşu
(Information Society Challenge for (Turkish) Education Policies 1989), Bilgi Toplumu Üzerine Ulusal Rapor
(National Report on Information Society 1989), Türkiye'de Uzaktan Eğitim, Bilgi Toplumu 5 Çalışma Başlığı
(Distance Education in Turkey, the Information Society Five Case Studies 1989).
In addition, he has
translated the works of Martin Lings, H.
Nedvi, S. H. Nasr, Guenon
and Tevfik El Hakim.
REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2007, 2009), Başbakan Davutoğlu yeni kabineyi açıkladı (haber7.com, 24.11.2015), TBMM Albümü 24. Yasama Dönemi (tbmm.gov.tr, erişim: 16.01.2016), AK Parti’nin 65. Hükümeti ve yeni kabinesi (haber7.com, 14.05.2016), Nabi Avcı (akparti.org.tr, 25.05.2016).