Hüsnü Göksel

Tıp Doktoru, Yazar, Şair

16 Nisan, 1919
30 Ağustos, 2002
İstanbul University Faculty of Medicine
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Hüsnü Göksel A., H. A. Göksel

Poet and Writer (b. 16 April 1919, Bandırma / Balıkesir - d. 30 August 2002, Ankara). His full name was Hüsnü Hasan Göksel. He used the pen names Hüsnü Göksel A. and H.A. Göksel. He was educated in Ankara and graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine (1943). He was a lecturer in Ankara, Hacettepe and Başkent Universities from 1955.

He was tried for an article he published in Cumhuriyet in 1986 but was later acquitted. He was a member of the Writers Syndicate of Turkey and the Ataturkist Thought Association (founder). He published his poems in the reviews, Haftalık Rapor, Seçilmiş Hikâyeler and Dost, and his essays and articles in Ulus and Cumhuriyet.


SHORT STORY: Ben Bu Menekşeleri Senin İçin Topladım (I Picked these Violets for You, 1991), Lacivert Mayolu Kız (The Girl Wearing the Dark Blue Swimsuit, 1996).

NOVEL: Ayışığı Sonatı (Moonlight Sonata, 1994).

POETRY: Bunca Yağmurların Söndüremediği (Things That So Much Rain Cannot Wash Away, 1992).

ESSAY: Barışa Özlem (Longing for Peace, 1986), Bu Dağların Arkasında Başka Dağlar Var (There are Other Mountains Behind These Mountains, 1993).

REFERENCE: Afşin Oktay - Kemal Bağlum / Biyografiler Ansiklopedisi (1959), TBE Ansiklopedisi (2001), Attila Aşut / 2002 Yılında Kaybettiğimiz Gazeteci Yazar ve Yayıncılar (Çağdaş gazetesi, sayı: 54, Haziran 2002), İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007).



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