Hüseyin Rahmi Apak


Military School, Military Academy

Historian (B. 1887, Babaeski / Kırklareli – D. 1963, Ankara). He completed the War School (1908) and the war Academy after attending the Balkan War (1914). He fought at Caucasia, Iraq and Palestine fronts during the First World War. He was imprisoned by the British and exiled to Malta (1917).

When he was released, he went to Anatolia and participated in the National Independence War. He was retired after his duty as Moscow Military Attaché (1934). He was the Tekirdağ deputy for long years (1935-1946). Then, he worked at Foreign Affairs Ministry and became the Lisbon (1946-1949) and Baghdad Ambassador (1949-1952).


Rus-Leh Seferi (1925), Felakete Doğru (1932), İstiklal Savaşından Garp Cephesi Nasıl Kuruldu (1942), Yetmişlik Bir Subayın Hatıraları (1975), Türk İstiklal Harbinde İç Ayaklanmalar (1964).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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