Dede Cöngi

Biyografi Yazarı

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Kemâleddin İbrahim bin Bahşî, Kara Dede

Biography writer (B. ?. Uluköy / Sonusa / Amasya - D. 1567). His real name is Kemâleddin İbrahim bin Bahşî. He was known as Kara Dede. He began to school when he was working in leather job, in a short time he improved himself and became a mudarris. He worked as mufti for seven years in Kefe. Later he moved to Bursa and died there, he was buried in Hoca Muhammed Karamanı mosque’s yard across the Büyük Kilise Street in Set Başı. His dead was dated with the verse “Gülşen-i cennât ona me’vâ ola”. Just because he used to use cönk (a narrow but lengthy notebook) shaped notebooks, he was also called as Cöngi.


BIOGRAPHY: Tabakâtü’n-Nuhât (Biographies of syntax and literature scholars).

POETRY: Manzume (It is in the Vehbaniye style of Islamic Law).

OTHER WORKS: Haşiye alâ Tefsîr-i Kadı, Haşiye alâ Sadrü’ş-şerîa, Haşiye alâ Mevâkıf, İzzî Şerhi Sadeddin Haşiyesi (This work is about grammar, syntax, dictionary etc. and it is known as Dede Cöngî), Menâkıb-ı Evliya, Masârif-i Beytü’1-Mâl, Lüccetü’l-Fevâid, Siyâsetnâme (from Arabic, edit. Şeyhülislâm Meşrepzade Mehmed Ârif, 1859).

REFERENCE: TDE Ansiklopedisi 2 (1977), TDOE-TDE Ansiklopedisi 3 (2003), İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).


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