Mustafa Reşid

Yazar, Şair

06 Ekim, 1936

Storywriter and novelist (b. 1861, Edirne - d. 1936). He received education in his hometown and began to work as a school examiner at the Ministry of Education. He published the reviews Şah and Envar-ı Zekâ, in which articles by Namık Kemal and his friends appeared and was the editorial writer at the newspaper Tarik. He prepared anthologies that introduced the writers of the time. His stories and poems attracted great attention during the time he was alive, however his works have not stood the test of time because of his excessive sentimentality and weak technical ability.


SHORT STORY-NOVEL: Bir Çiçek Demeti (A Bunch of Flowers, 1885), Tezkir-i Mazi (Commemorating the Past, 1885), Yeis yahut Cürm-i Meşhut (Despair or in Delicto, 1885), Flora (Flora, 1885), Hayf (Alas, 1886), Gözyaşları (Teardorps, 1886), Cüzdanımdan Birkaç Yaprak (Some Leaves from My Portfolio, 1886), Hayal-i Şebab (The Juvenile Dream, 1887), Neyyir (Luminous, 1889), Ressam (Painter, 1889), Pembe Ferace (Pink Garment, 1892), Lorans (1892), Defter-i Âmâlim* (The Account of My Deeds, 1892), İzdivaç-İmtizaç (Marriage-Harmony, 1893), Tesir-i Edebiye (Influence of Literature, 1893), Bir Kızın Babası (Father of A Girl, 1894), Küfran-ı Nimet (Ingratitude, 1896), Son Salon ve Aşk (Last Hall and Love, 1899).

ANTHOLOGY: Müntehâbât-ı Cedide (Selections from the New Ones, 2 volumes, 1884), Asâr-ı Meşâhir (Famous Works, 1885).


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