Mustafa Rahmi Balaban

Eğitimci, Yazar

Istanbul Advanced Teachers Training School

Instructor-writer (b. 1888, Bergama / İzmir - d. 1953, İzmir). After high school education, he studied grammar, syntax and literature in Arabic from the doctor of Muslim theology, Terzizade Mustafa in Bergama. He took logic and lessons on being a Muslim judge from Fehmi Efendi. He graduated form Istanbul Advanced Teachers Training School (1910) and started his career as a pedagogy teacher at Skopje Teachers Training School. He also worked at Adana Teachers Training  School. The National Ministry of Education sent him to Geneva for student evaluation and pedagogy education in 1913. He graduated from the Jean Jacques Institute. While he assisted Prof. Claparade, he attended the lessons of Prof. Edouard Montet.

He worked for İkdam newspaper when he returned to Turkey in 1920. He was appointed to the Ministry of National Education, Compiling and Translation Board when the national government was established in Ankara. When Ziya Gökalp became a member of parliament, Balaban took his place and became the chairman of the board. He translated from Claparade and many other works by western writers related to Ottoman and Turkish history. He wrote Asri Terbiye ve Maarif (Modern Manners and Education) and published various books. He resigned in 1924 and worked as a philosophy teacher at İzmir High School for Boys and as a pedagogy teacher at the Teachers Training School for Girls. He retired 1953 and died a couple of weeks later.

He published articles on the similarities between the Koran and contemporary telefinalism philosophy about the purpose of the Creation, the similaritiy between Jung and Sufism about the basis and duties of human beings in the review Müslüman Sesi. Mustafa Rahmi was considered in the same line with the intellectuals of the Second Constitutional Monarchy of such as Şehbenderzade Filibeli Ahmed Hilmi, İsmail Fenni and Mehmet Ali Ayni although he gave his works during the Republican Era. He gave important service in the publishing of encyclopedic knowledge in the Republican Era. birer


Hakikat Yollarında (The Ways of Truth), Filozoflarla Birer Saat (One Each Hour Per Philosophers), Tarih Boyunca Ahlâk (Morality Throughout History), İlim, Ahlâk ve İman  (Science, Morality and Belief), Avrupa'da Yeni Mektepler (New Schools in Europe), Çocuk Büyütmek (Growing up a Child), Ruhiyata Metha (Psychological Principles), Öksüzler Babası Pestalozzi (Pestalozzi, Father of the Orphans), Çocuk Ruhiyatı (Child Spirituality), Ailede Terbiye (Good Manners in a Family), Alfabede Cümle Usulü (Sentence Method in the Alphabet), Yeni Psikoloji ve Pedagoji (New Psychology and Pedagogy).


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