Haluk Karamağaralı

Arkeolog, Sanat Tarihçisi

30 Ocak, 2009
Ankara University Faculty of Language and History Geography Archaeology Institute
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Art historian, archaeologist (B. 1923, Izmir- D.  30 January 2009, Ankara). He used Yüzbaşıoğlu signature in some of his works. He graduated from Ankara University Faculty of Language and History Geography Archaeology Institute (1946). Between the years of 1946 and 1950 he worked in Ankara Ethnography Museum. He became an assistant in AU Faculty of Divinity History of Turkish and Islamic Arts Department in 1950. In 1954, he completed his PhD and assigned as History of Turkish and Islamic Arts Lecturer in 1958. He became an associate professor in 1963 and professor in 1982. He worked as Architecture and Art History lecturer in Gazi University Faculty of Engineering-Architecture and as department head of Architecture Department. He was the member of Seljukian History and Civilization Institution and Immovable Culture and Natural Wealth High Council. He directed the excavations of Konya Sahip Ata Mosque, Sivas Çifte Minareli Madrasah and Old Ahlat. Some of his researches were published. Karamağaralı studied on Culture Issues and Turkish Culture and he was known with his “Sanat Terimleri Sözlüğü” and “Selçuklu Sanatı” books. He was the essential member of Atatürk Culture Center.


Sanat Terimleri Sözlüğü, Selçuklu Sanatı, Eski Ahlat Kazıları (1991).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık / Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2004) – TEKAA (2009), Profesöre Vefa (haberler.com, 31 Ocak 2009), Türkiye Kültür ve Sanat 2010 Yıllığı (2010), 1000 Türk Büyüğü - Karamağaralı, Halûk (1000turk.blogspot.com.tr, 28 Haziran 2011).


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