İsmail Parlatır

Edebiyat Araştırmacısı

Ankara University Faculty of Literature Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Literature researcher (b. 1946, Konya). He attended primary, elementary and high school in Konya. In 1971, he was appointed as an instructor to Ankara University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature where he graduated from in the 1967-68 semester.  In 1973, he became a doctor of literature with his PhD thesis Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, Hayatı-Eserleri- Sanatı (Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, His Life, Works and Art, 1975). He was then assigned to give “Literary Knowledge and Modern Turkish Literature” lectures at Fırat University for a year. He was sent to Iran in the summer of 1978. In 1979 he was assigned by the Government to give Turkish and Ottoman lectures at the University of Algeria. After returning from Algeria in 1981, he became an associate professor with his thesis Tanzimat Hikâye Romanında Kölelik (Slavery in the Tanzimat* Novel, 1982). With the presentation Tevfik Fikret, Dil ve Edebiyat Yazıları (Tevfik Fikret, Language and Literature Writing, 1988), he became a professor. He continued his studies as the Head of Ankara University, Faculty of Literature, Department of  Contemprory Turkish Literature.

He was elected to the membership of the Turkish Language Association, which was reorganized by law as a constitutional institution, and he was a member of the administrative committee of this institution for two terms (1993-2000). Then again as administrator at the Turkish Language Association, Branch of Dictionary Practice and Science, and he worked in various scientific departments and committees. Between the years of 1991 and 93, he was a member of the administrative committee of the Professional Association of Scientific and Literary Work Owners of Turkey of which he was already a member. Nearly 100 of his articles have been published in scientific and monthly reviews such as Türk Dili, Türk Edebiyatı, Erdem, Millî Kültür, Çağrı, Türkoloji, Türk Kültürü and Türk Bilig.      WORKS:      RESEARCH-ANALYSIS: Tanzimat Sonrası Osmanlıca Metinler (Ottoman Texts after the Tanzimat*, with O. Önertor, 1978), Tanzimat Edebiyatında Kölelik (Slavery in Tanzimat* Literature, 1987), Geçmişten Günümüze Türkler ve Türkiye (Turks and Turkey from the Past to Present, 1991), Yabancıların Gözüyle Türkler ve Türkiye (Turks and Turkey in the Eyes of Foreigners, 1994), Gönülden Gönüle (Heart to Heart, memories with F. Bayramoğlu,1994).

BIOGRAPHY: Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, Hayatı-Eserleri-Sanatı (Recaizade Mahmut Ekrem, His Life, Works and Art, 1983), Ali Ekrem Bolayır (Ali Ekrem Bolayır, 1987), Tevfik Fikret (Tevfik Fikret, 2003), Şinasi (Şinasi, 2003).      DICTIONARY:      Türkçe Sözlük (Turkish Dictionary, 2 volumes, with H. Eren, T. Tekin, N. Gözaydın, H. Zülfikar, 1988), Okul Sözlüğü (School Dictionary, with N. Gözaydın, H. Zülfikar, 1994)      COLLECTION: (with the committee): Yazılar-Hikâyeler I. II. (Writing and Stories I. II. 1996), Güzel Yazılar- Oğuz’dan Bugüne (Fine Writing – From Oguz to Today, 1996), Güzel Yazılar – Şiirler (Fine Writing – Poems, 1997), Güzel Yazılar – Mektuplar (Fine Writing- Letters, 1997), Güzel Yazılar – Röportajlar (Fine Writing - Interviews, 1997), Güzel Yazılar – Gezi – Hatıra (Fine Writing – Travel – Memoirs, 1997), Güzel Yazılar Dizisi (Fine Writing Series, 2001).

EDITION: Çok Bilen Çok Yanılır (One Who Knows Much, Makes Many Mistakes, text publishing, 1983), Tevfik Fikret, Dil ve Edebiyat Yazıları (Tevfik Fikret, Language and Literature Writing, 1987), Bütün Eserleri – Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, Tiyatroları (All Works - Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, His Plays, with N. Çetin, H. Sazyek, 1997), Bütün Eserleri – Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, Hikâyeleri ve Romanı (All Works - Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, His Stories and Novels, with N. Çetin, H. Sazyek, 1997), Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, Şiirleri (Recaîzade Mahmut Ekrem, His Poetry, with N. Çetin, H. Sazyek,1997), Genç Kalemler Dergisi (Genç Kalemler Review, with N. Çetin,1999), Tevfik Fikret – Bütün Şiirleri (Tevfik Fikret - All Poems, with N. Çetin, 2001).


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