Osman Turan

Tarihçi, Siyasetçi

17 Ocak, 1978
Ankara University Faculty of Language History and Geography

Historian (b. 1914, Soğanlı village / Çaykara / Trabzon - d. 17 January 1978, İstanbul). After he finished primary school in Çaykara, secondary school in Bayburt and high school, which he had begun in Trabzon, in Ankara, he graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography (1940). He joined the faculty he had graduated from as an assistant. His doctorate thesis was, On İki Hayvanlık Türk Takvimi” (The Turkish Calendar with Twelve Animals, 1941). He became associate professor in 1944 and began to give courses on Turkish-Islamic History. His interest in Seljuk History gradually increased. He presented a paper with the name “Selçuklu Türkiyesi Toprak Hukuku” (Land Law in Seljuk Turkey) at the International Orientalists Congress in Paris in 1948. He did research in Paris and London (1948 -50). He became a professor in 1951. He was elected parliamentary deputy of Trabzon for the Democrat Party in 1954. He continued his work in the parliament until the 1960 Revolution. He was the General President of the Turkish Association, the main office of which was moved to Ankara.

He wrote many articles in the newspaper Türk Yurdu of which he joined the management. After 27 May 1960, he was arrested with prominent people of the Democrat Party in Yassıada and stayed under arrest for sixteen and a half months. After he was released, even though he wanted to return to work at Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography, he was not allowed to give lectures although he was paid his salary. Entering politics again, he was appointed as assistant to the General President of the Justice Party in 1964 and after one year he entered parliament as the Trabzon deputy (1965). He left politics in 1969. After he retired in 1972, he concentrated on his scientific studies. He was married to Sâtıa Sultan, a descendant of the Ottoman royal dynasty; they did not have any children. He was known for his studies on Turkish-Islam Civilization.


Türkiye Selçukluları Hakkında Resmî Vesikalar (Official Documents about the Seljuk People in Turkey, 1958), Selçuklular Tarihi ve Türk-İslâm Medeniyeti (History of the Seljuk State and Turkish-Islam Civilization, 1965), Türk Cihan Hakimiyeti Mefkûresi Tarihi (History of the Turkish World’s Ideal of Sovereignty, 2 books, 1969), Selçuklular ve İslâmiyet (The Seljuk State and Islam, 1971), Doğu Anadolu Türk Devletleri Tarihi (History of East Anatolian Turkish States, 1973), Türkiye'de Manevi Buhran Din ve Laiklik (Spiritual Crisis in Turkey, Religion and Secularism, 1964), Türkiye'de Komünizmin Kaynakları (Origins of Communism in Turkey, 1965), Vatanda Gurbet (Being Abroad at Home, 1980), Türkiye'de Siyasî Buhran'ın Kaynakları (Origins of Political Crisis in Turkey, 1980)

REFERENCE: Yurt Ansiklopedisi (c. 10, 1974), Büyük Larousse Ansiklopedisi (c. 23, 1986), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013), Nevzat Topal / Prof. Dr. Osman Turan Hayatı ve Eserleri (2004), Remzi Demir – Doğan Atılgan / Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi ve Türkiye’de Beşeri Bilimlerin Yeniden İnşası- Elli Portre (2008), TBMM Albümü 2. Cilt 1950-1980 (2010).



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