Erman Artun


04 March, 1948
Istanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Folklorist (b. 4 March 1948, Tekirdağ). He attended Tekirdağ İnönü Primary School (1959), Namık Kemal High School (1966), Edirne Teacher Training School for Boys (1966). He graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1971). His bachelor’s degree thesis: Tekirdağ ve Balkan Göçmenleri Ağız İncelemesi (Examination of the Accents of Tekirdağ and Balkan Immigrants). His doctorate thesis: Tekirdağ Seyirlik Köy Oyunlarından Cemal Ritüeli ve Balkanlardaki Varyantları (Cemal Ritual from Tekirdağ’s Open Theatrical Village Plays and Its Versions in the Balkans, 1988). His associate Professorship thesis: “Günümüzde Adana Aşıklık Geleneği ve Aşık Fayman” (The Tradition of Minstrelsy in Adana Today and Aşık Fayman). He worked as a literature teacher in high schools in Tekirdağ and as instructor in Tekirdağ Institute of Education. He granted his doctorate in Pristine University, Department of Eastern Language where he gave lectures as a Turkish Language instructor in 1984-87.

After returning to Turkey, he worked as lecturer in Trakya University and after 1991, in Çukurova University, Faculty of Science and Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. He became associate professor (1997) and professor (2003) in that university. He continued his studies as lecturer in Çukurova University, Faculty of Science and Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature.

He participated in international and domestic congresses and symposiums in Turkey and abroad and presented forty five communiqués. His articles about fifty were published in various reviews. He received the Folklore Research Institution Service to Turkish Folklore Award in 1996, İçel Folklor Review Service to Folklore of İçel Award and in 2000 Motif Folklor Review Service to Folklore Year 2000 Award.

His first collections about regional folklore were published in the newspaper Yeni İnan (Tekirdağ) and in the reviews Halk Kültürü, Türk Folkloru, Türk Folklorundan Derlemeler, Folklor-Edebiyat, etc. His articles were published in the reviews Folklore Doğru, Türk Folkloru Araştırmaları, Türk Folkloru, Millî Folklor Dergisi, İçel Kültürü, Anayurttan Atayurda, Türk Dünyası, Türk Dünyası İncelemeleri, Folklor / Edebiyat, Türk Studies Halk Kültürü Araştırmaları, Türk Kültürü, Folklor Halkbilim Dergisi, Journal of Turkish and Tekirdağ Halk Kültürü Araştırmaları from 1976. He received the Folklore Research Institution Service to Turkish Folklore Award with his studies in 1996.


Tekirdağ Folklor Araştırması (Folkloric Research in Tekirdağ, 1978), Tekirdağ Folklorundan Örnekler (Examples of Tekirdağ Folklore, 1983), Tekirdağ Halk Oyunları Araştırması (Research on Folklore of Tekirdağ, 1992), Tekirdağ Çocuk Oyunları Araştırması (Research on Children Plays of Tekirdağ, 1992), Tekirdağ Seyirlik Köy Oyunlarından Cemal Ritüeli ve Balkanlardaki Varyantları (Cemal Ritual from Tekirdağ’s Open Theatrical Village Plays and Its Versions in Balkans, 1993), Adana Mutfak Kültürü ve Adana Yemekleri (The Kitchen Culture in Adana and Adana Meals, 1998), Adana Halk Kültürü Araştırmaları I (Research on Folkloric Culture of Adana 1, 2000), Adana Köprübaşı (Adana, Köprübaşı with M. Sabri Koz, 2000), Aşıklık Geleneği ve Aşık Edebiyatı (The Tradition and Literature of Minstrelsy, 2001), Dini Tasavvufi Halk Edebiyatı (The Religious and Sufist Folk Literature, 2002).


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