Tacim Çiçek

Yazar, Şair

05 Eylül, 1958
Ankara Institute of Education

Poet, critic and writer. He was born on September 5, 1958 in Adana. He also wrote under the pen name of Özgür Emekçioğlu in local newspapers such as Sandıklı Postası and Birlik.

He completed his primary and secondary education in Ceyhan. He graduated from the Education Institute of Ankara in 1980. He worked as a teacher in various cities.  He is a member of TYS, PEN Authors’ Association, the Association of Literati and Mesam. He has got one child.

Çiçek who started to write in his high school years wrote in a column of a local newspaper called Yenises that has still been publishing in Ceyhan. He met Poet Şaban Akbaba in Menemen where he went for his short term military service in 1983. Under his influence, he returned to literature. Çiçek says he writes to prove that he is alive and to provide support to a better life with his works published in various newspapers and magazines since 1986.

His first short story, Bir Tokatla (With a Slap), was published in Oluşum Magazine in 1986. His other short stories, poems and book-reviews have been published in Yeni Adana and Evrensel Newspapers and magazines such as Edebiyat Gündemi, Papirüs, Aydınca, Eşik, Yazıt, Karşı, Kıyı, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Eylül, İmece, Şiir Okulu, Sanat ve Hayat, Evrensel Kültür, Öğretmen Dünyası, İnsancıl, Kitap Gazetesi, Çalı, Beşparmak, Akköy, Berfin Bahar, Fayton Öykü, Edebiyatta Seçki, Gerçek Sanat, Sorun Polemik, Kırmızıgül, Yazın, Düşler Öyküler, Adam Öykü, Damar, Güzel Yazılar, Cumhuriyet Kitap, Radikal Kitap, Evrensel Kitap, Güncelsanat, Çinikitap, Eleştirel Pedagoji, Mesele, Sosyologca and Aykırısanat (Adana) and Agora (izmir) of which he is one of the founders. His articles on various topics have been published in SoL Newspaper and SoL book addition.

Çiçek who started working on literature with poetry quit writing poems in 1996 (although his several poems from his three poetry books are composed by Umut Akkuş and performed by Group Munzur (in their cassette named Their Fight and Ignite Nights), Ekrem Ataer (in his cassette named Marenostrum), Ferhat Tunç (The Country Of Screams), Süleyman Turan (Like Me) In 2003, he came second at the poetry competition held by the magazine Sanat And Hayat with his poetry file Yaralı Coğrafyalar Kitabı (Wounded Landscape Book) which he wrote in 1996. After quiting poetry, he headed towards writing short-story and novel. He also won awards for his works of short-stories. He won the Beşparmak Magazine Ferzan Gürel Special Jury Award with his short-story Esercan’la Sevcan’ın Hikâyesi (The Story Of Esercan and Sevcan) in 2002 and came first at Turan Altuntaş Story Competition held by Adana Authors Association with his short-story Kamalı Bekir (Bekir With A Dagger) in the same year. He refused the honorable mention given at Orhan Kemal Short-story Competition which was arranged in Adana in 2001 due to the fact that there was not such an award in the regulations of the competition. Çiçek who also won Damar Literature Achievement Award in 1999 mostly writes different and original things for children.


His Prizes:


-First Prize of Çankaya Municipality-Damar Magazine Child Novel for Şeftali Dede (The Peach Grandfather) in 1995.

-Third Prize of Kırıkkale Eğitim-Sen Child Short-story Competition for Elma Ağacı (the Apple Tree) in 1997.

-The Honorable Mention of Mevlüt Kaplan Literature Prize Child Novel for Kurtkıran (The Wolf Breaker) in 1997.

-The Prize of Damar Literature (Young Writer) Achievement in 1999.

-Beşparmak Magazine Ferzan Gürel Jury Special Prize for Esercan’la Sevcan’ın Hikâyesi (The Story Of Esercan and Sevcan) in 2002.

-First Prize of Turan Altuntaş Short-story Competition held by Adana Authors Association for his short-story Kamalı Bekir (Bekir with a Dagger) in 2002.

-Second Prize at the Poetry Competition Of Sanat And Hayat Magazine for his poetry file Yaralı Coğrafyalar Kitabı (Wounded Landscape Book) in 2003.


His Works:


POETRY: Ellerimiz Tırpandır Acıya (Our Hands are the Scythes of Pain, 1989), Süremez                         Daima Hükmü Acının (Pain Will not Rule Forever, 1991), Gülyaşam (Rose Life, 1993)

SHORT-STORY: Yaşamın Özge Yorumu (A Different Interpretation of Life ,1991) ,Beyaz Kısa Pantolon (Short White Pants, 1991), Kızıl Valizli Kadın (The Woman with a Red Suitcase, 2013)

NOVEL: Aykırı Sevdalar Söylencesi (The Legend of Contrary Loves, 1993), Bozkırda Patlayan Tüfek (The Rifle Shot on the Steppe, 2001), Kekliğin Son Ötüşü (The Last Singing of The Partridge, Youth Novel, 2011), Bana Güvercinleri Anlat (Tell Me Pigeons, Youth Novel, 2011), Kitap Hırsızı (The Thief Of Book, 2014), Ben/cil Metinler (Selfish Texts, 2015), Bir Hayal Satıcısı (A Dream Seller, 2016)

LETTER/ESSAY: Günışığına Mektuplar (Letters To The Daylight, 2001), Çocuk Edebiyatı Denilince (When We Say Children’s Literature, 2016), Söyleşilerim (My Causeries, 2015)

CHILDREN’S BOOKS: Şeftali Dede (The Peach Grandfather, 1995-1997-2000-2007-2016), Eşek Çalanlar Çetesiyle Savaş (War Against the Gang of Donkey Thieves, 1998, 2017), Elma Ağacı (The Apple Tree, 1998-1999-2016), Altın İkizler (Golden Twins, 1999), Kurtkıran (The Wolf Breaker, 1998-2000-2017), Güvercinler (Pigeons, 2001), Seçkin’in Masalcı Ninesi (Storyteller Grandmother of Seçkin, 2001), Seçkin’in Serüvenleri Dizisi (The Series of Seçkin’s Adventures): 1. Book: Ölümsüz Kuş (Immortal Bird), 2. Book: Masalcı Nine (Storyteller Grandmother), 3. Book: Meçhul Kurtarıcı (Unknown Rescuer), 4. Book: Kayıp Köyün İzinde (On The Track Of The Missing Village), 5. Book: Düş Ülkesi (Dream Country, 2003), Sığırcıklar (Starlings, 2009-2017)




Halim Şafak / Tacim Çiçek’le Aykırısanat Üstüne (On Aykırısanat With Tacim Çiçek)         (Eşik, number: 9-10, 1993), İzzet Kılıçlı / Tacim Çiçek’in Öykü Dünyası (The Story World Of Tacim Çiçek) (Damar, number: 30-31, 1993), Güzel Yapıtlar Tutkulardan Değil Kaygılardan Doğar (Good Works Arise From Worries, Not From Passions) (Damar, number: 55, 1995), Tacim Çiçek / Öykü Serüvenim (My Adventure Of Story) (Üçüncü Öyküler, Winter 1999), Bilal Kayabay / Tacim Çiçek “Külden Devlere Karşı” (Tacim Çiçek is Against The Giants From Ash) (Damar, number: 97, April 1999), M.Emre / T.Çiçek’le Söyleşi (Conversation With T. Çiçek) (Edebiyat Gündemi, number: 7 August 2000), Aydın Karataş / Yaşamın Özge Yorumu (Different interpretation of Life) -Deniz Banoğlu/Bir ‘Akız’ vardı…(There was an ‘Akız’) (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 16.11 2000), TBE Encyclopedia (2001), Ferhat İşlek / Öğretmenlikle Yazarlığı Bir Arada Sürdüren Yazar: Tacim Çiçek (The Writer Who Maintains Teaching And Writing Together: T. Çiçek)-Hasan Hüseyin Yalvaç / Şiirleriyle Tacim Çiçek (Tacim Çiçek With His Poems)-Osman Nuri Poyrazoğlu / Tacim Çiçek’in Çocuk Kitapları (The Children’s Books Of Tacim Çiçek) (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 19.4.2001), Türkiye Çocuk (number: 923, 2003), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (The Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Authors and Men of Culture With illustrations and Sample Texts) (2007, 2009), Bilgi Teyidi (May 2017).

a child’s song


bir çocuğun türküsü



sapanıma taş olsaydın

kiraz ağacına atmazdım




vurduğum bir kuş olsaydın

kedilere yedirmezdim ki




evimizde biber olsaydın

ağzına bebeğimizin sürmezdim




canlı olsaydın

can alıcın olsaydım


Şiir: Tacim ÇİÇEK




a child’s song



if you were a stone on my slingshot,

I wouldn’t throw you

to the cherry tree.



if you were a bird I shot down,

I wouldn’t let the cats

eat you.



if you were a pepper in our house,

I wouldn’t put you on in

our baby’s mouth



if you were alive,

I would be your murderer.


Ing. Çeviri: Sevil KONUR

usumda tutsak kadın



benim için

benden bir gül at


usumda tutsak kadın



sesinle beni çoğalt

dudağımda o ilk tat

barışık mı seninle

acılı hayat


Şiir: Tacim ÇİÇEK


captive woman in my mind


for me

throw a rose

to yourself from me


captive woman in my mind


boost me

with your smile, with your voice

the first taste on my lips

is the painful life in peace with you?


(Pain Will not Rule Forever, 1991)


Ing. Çeviri: Sevil KONUR





şimdi gözlerim

söz damlaları yağdıran bulut

onları tut

acılar bana kalsın

sen acıları unut


şimdi ellerim

söz kuşları/nı uçuran umut

onları tut

yalnızlık bana kalsın

sen yalnızlığı unut

şimdi yine de

yüreğimin içten ezgilerini

dil kuşları şakıyorlarsa kulağına

aldırma acılara ve yalnızlığa

kulak ver saza ve aşka


                        Şiir: Tacim ÇİÇEK




now my eyes are the clouds

raining the drops of word

hold them

let the pains stay with me

forget the pains


now my hands are the hope

flying the birds of word

hold them

let the loneliness stay with me

forget the loneliness


now if

the sincere tongue birds of my heart

are still singing to your ears,

don’t mind the pains and loneliness;

listen to the instrument(?) and love (music)


Ing. Çeviri: Sevil KONUR





ne olacağın çok önceden bellidir

bu yaşamda yerin sınıfına bağlıdır

büyüklerin yarattı bunu

istemezler öğrenesin doğruyu

bırakmazlar durdurasın üstelik


Şiir: Tacim ÇİÇEK


my little one


my little one

what you are going to be

has already been certain (clear)

elders have created this

they don’t want you to learn the truth

besides, they won’t let you stop it


(Rose Life, 1993)


Ing. Çeviri: Sevil KONUR




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