İdris Küçükömer

İktisatçı, Düşünür

01 Haziran, 1925
05 Temmuz, 1987
İstanbul University Faculty of Economics

Writer (b. 1925, Giresun – d. 1987, İstanbul). He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Economics. He became an assistant at the same faculty where he received his doctorate degree, became an associate professor and then a professor. In addition to his service as a lecturer for more than thirty years, he attracted a lot of attention with his diverse works on the social order of Ottoman and Republican Turkey and his opposing view to the official history of recent times.

His studies and daily political commentaries were published in the reviews Yön and And, and in the newspapers Milliyet and Akşam. He was a member of the scientific and executive boards of the Workers Party of Turkey. He questioned the issue of Westernization in his book with the title Düzenin Yabancılaşması (Alienation of the Regime, 1969). Classifying the history of the Republic in aspects of various functions and characteristics (such as the second Republic) and putting forward that the Independence War was not anti-imperialist in 1973, Küçükömer was ostracized for a long time because of his unusual thoughts. He continued to seek for answers to his basic question despite not being popular. He tried to answer the question “Am I Western or Eastern?” As a scientist born in the east but influenced by the west he inspired many defenders of civil society. He tried to show direction and objective. He asked, “What are we? What can we change?”. Although not formally announced, his being ostracized by the state had a great affect on his life and he felt a sense of isolation all his life.


Gelişmiş ve Az Gelişmiş Ülkelerin İlişkileri Üzerine (On the Relationships of Developed and Underdeveloped Countries, 1966), İktisat İlkeleri Üzerine (On the Principles of Economics, 1967), Düzenin Yabancılaşması (Alienation of the Republic, 1969), İktisat İlkelerine Yeniden Bakış (A Review of the Principles of Economics, 1972), Yön ve And Yazıları / Cuntacılıktan Sivil Topluma (Articles in Yön and And / From Militarism to Civil Society, 1994), Sivil Toplum Yazıları (Articles on Civil Society, 1994), Bitmemiş Son Eser / Halk Demokrasi İstiyor mu? (Last Unfinished Work / Do the People Want Democracy?, 1994), Anılar ve Düşünceler (Memories and Thoughts, 1994), İdris Küçükömer'le Türkiye Üzerine Tartışmalar (Debates on Turkey with İdris Küçükömer, 1994). 

REFERENCE: AnaBritannica (c. 14, s. 168-169, 1987), Fethi Naci / Dönüp Baktığımda (1999), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (gen. 6. bas. 1999), İhsan Işık / Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, 2007) - Ünlü Fikir ve Kültür Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 3, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013).


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