Atilla Özkırımlı

Critic, Literature Researcher

23 January, 2005
İstanbul University Faculty of Literature Department of Turkish Language and Literature

Literature researcher-critic (b. 1942, Konya – d. 23 January 2005, İstanbul). He started his secondary school education in Adana and completed in Maraş High School (1960). He was graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature, Department of Turkish Language and Literature (1968). He worked in the Hacettepe University, Institutue of Sciences, Department of Turkish (1969). When he was fired by 12 March Military Forces, he began to work as an advisor for publication houses and as a redactor in Cumhuriyet newspaper (1973-76). Later, he gave Turkish and literature lectures in Atatürk Institute of Education (1978) and İstanbul State Conservatoir (1978). When the Conservatoir became under the aupecies of Mimar Sinan University due to the judgement taken by Institute of Higher Education, he resigned his duty and began to work as a writer (1982). Then, he worked as a Turkish lecturer in the Anadolu University, Faculty of Communication (1992-99). He has charged as a chief editor of the Günümüzde Kitaplar review (1984-86). He was dead because of respiratory problems when he was 53 years old. He was buried into the Kozlu Graveyard.

He entered the literature world with his poems and short stories published in Su and Düzlem reviews (1963-64). Then, his critiques and studies were published in Papirüs, May, Yeni Dergi, Ulus, Gösteri, Türk Dili, Soyut, Birikim, Milliyet-Sanat, Cumhuriyet reviews and newspapers. He wrote essays and criticisms in the Culture-Art pages of Cumhuriyet newspaper. He made researches in the field of History of Literature. He made ready to publish the literary criticisms of Yakup Kadri and Sabahattin Ali’s works. He made and presented television programmes about books. He worked for Turkish Radio Television Institution as an art director and scenerio wiriter and made documentary-drama programmmes under the title of  “Zaman Zaman İçinde” (Time in the Time) in Ramadan (1991-92).

He took for granted the relations between the structure of society and the art when he wrote researches and studies about the history of Turkish literature. In the category of research, he won the Publications Labour Award. Şükran Kurdakul identified his criticisims as “dependent to the objective measures in a lovely way”


STUDY-RESEARCH: Kabusname (Book of Nightmare, notes and prologues from Mercimek Ahmet, 1973), Nedim (Nedim, 1974), Ahmet Haşim (Ahmet Haşim, 1974), Tevfik Fikret (Tevfik Fikret, 1978), Sabahattin Ali (Sebahattin Ali, edit with Filiz Ali Laslo, 1979, new edition, 1986), Türk Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (Encyclopedia of Turkish Literature, 4 volumes: 1982, Add 5. Volume, 4. edition, 1987), Edebiyat İncelemeleri, Yazılar I ( Literature Researches, Essays I 1983), Alevilik-Bektaşilik Edebiyatı (Alewi-Bektashi Literature, 1985), Yazarları da Vururlar (Writers also can be shot, with Celal Üster, 1987), İlkokullar İçin Türkçe Konuşturan Sözlük (Push to Speak Turkish- Dictionary for Primary Schools 1989), Ortaokullar İçin Türkçe Konuşturan Sözlük (Push to Speak Turkish-Dictionary for Secondary Schools, with Selahattin Kaya, 1989), Tarihe Not Düşmek (Noting to the History, 1989), Toplumsal Bir Başkaldırının İdeolojisi: Alevilik-Bektaşilik (The Ideology of a Societal Resistance: Alewi-Bektashi, 1990), Çağdaş Türk Edebiyatı (Contemporary Turkish Literature 1991), Açıklamalı Edebiyat Terimleri Sözlüğü (The Dictionary of Literature Terms with Explanations, 1991), Türk Dili (Turkish Language, edit with T. Baraz, N. Karasar, 1992), Ömer Seyfettin-Seçilmiş Hikâyeler (Ömer Seyfettin –Selected Stores, Collection-Study, 1992), Romanların Dünyasında (In the World of Novels, 1994), Türk Dili Dil ve Anlatım (Turksigh Language: Language and Narration, 1994), Tarih İçinde Türk Edebiyatı (Turkish Literature in the History 1995), Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Söylev I-II (Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, Speech I-II 2002), Türk Edebiyatı Tarihi (The History of Turkish Literature, 2 volumes, 2004).

ESSAY: Hayatımıza Sevgisizliğe ve Yalnızlığa Dairdir (About Our Life, Lovelessness and Loneliness, 1991), Sevgim Acıyor (My Love is in Pain, 1995).

CRITICISM: Öykülerle Romanlarda Yaşamak (Living with Novels and Short Stories, 1995).

BIOGRAPHY: O Güzel İnsanlar (Those Beautiful People, Portraits from Turkish Literature, 1998).

COLLECTION: En Güzel Türk Hikâyeleri (The Most Beatiful Turkish Short-Stories, 3 volumes, 1999).

REFERENCE: TDE Ansiklopedisi (c. 7, 1976-98), Atilla Özkırımlı / Türk Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (1982), Türk Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (Yazko Somut, 4.2.1983/27), Tuncer Uçarol / Türk Edebiyatı Ansiklopedisi (Yazko Somut, 4.2.1983), İhsan Işık / Yazarlar Sözlüğü (1990, 1998) - Türkiye Yazarlar Ansiklopedisi (2001, 2004) – Encyclopedia of Turkish Authors (2005) - Resimli ve Metin Örnekli Türkiye Edebiyatçılar ve Kültür Adamları Ansiklopedisi (2006, gen. 2. bas. 2007) – Ünlü Bilim Adamları (Türkiye Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, C. 2, 2013) - Encyclopedia of Turkey’s Famous People (2013),  Cumhuriyet Kitap (17.11.1994), Behçet Necatigil / Edebiyatımızda İsimler Sözlüğü (18. bas. 1999), Şükran Kurdakul / Şairler ve Yazarlar Sözlüğü (gen. 6. bas. 1999), TBE Ansiklopedisi (c. 2, 2001), Özkırımlı Toprağa Verildi (Hürriyet, 24.1.2005), Sennur Sezer / Yorgun ve Kırgın Gitti (Radikal, 25.1.2005), Öner Yağcı / Edebiyatımızdan Bir Yıldız Daha Kaydı (Cumhuriyet Kitap, 3.2.2005).


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