Ali Kemal Meram

Yazar, Şair

Istanbul University Faculty of Literature

Writer (b. 1914, İstanbul - d. 2001). He graduated from İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature. He worked as a journalist and a teacher. He started writing with poetry and published 28 books in the areas of short story, novel and history. His first poem appeared in the magazine Yolların Sesi (1932).


POETRY: Aksız Karalar (Black Without White, 1936), Büyük Rüzgâr (Strong Wind, 1957).

SHORT STORY:  Esir (Captive, 1937), Ölüme Yalnız Gidilir (One Goes Alone to Death, 1957), Kader Rüzgârları (The Winds of Fate, 1970).

NOVEL: Yaşamak Cehennemi (The Hell of Living, 1946), Kaybolmuş Cennet (Lost Paradise, 1956), Kader Bizi Ayırdı (Fate Separated Us, 1957), Siyah Kaplı Defter (The Notebook Covered in Black, 1967), İsrail Macerası (The Adventure of Israel, 1970), Vadideki Köy (The Village in the Valley), Sensiz Yaşadığım Yıllar (The Years That I Lived without You), Yine Sabah Olacak (It Will be Morning Again), Dağ Başı (Wild Remote Place).

HISTORY: İlk Türk Devleti ve Yazılı Türk Anıtları (The First Turkic State and Written Turkish Memorials, 1968), Türkçülük ve Türkçülük Mücadeleleri Tarihi (Turkism and the History of the Struggle of Turkism, 1969), Türk-Rus İlişkileri Tarihi (The History of Turkish-Russian Relations, 1969), Göktürk İmparatorluğu (The Kökturk Empire, 1974), Padişah Anaları (The Mothers of the Emperors, 1977).


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