Ahmet Turan Arslan

Arabic Language and Literature Researcher

Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute

Arab language and literature researcher. He was born in Saklı/Sivas in 1949. He was graduated from Selim Sırrı Tarcan Primary School (1963), Istanbul İmam Hatip School (1971), Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute (1975). He worked as an imam Hatip for a while (1971-75) then he worked as a teacher for two years. During the Higher Islamic Institute period, he began to work as an assistant in Marmara University Faculty of Theology in 1977. In 1983, he received his PhD. from MU social Sciences Institute with the thesis “İmam Birgivî ve Arapça Tedrisâtındaki Yeri”. In 1984, he became Assistant Professor, in 1993, he became Associate Professor and in 1999, he became Professor. Between 1993 and 1995, he worked as a lecturer in Malaysia International Islam University. After 1984, he worked as a lecturer in Marmara University Faculty of Theology Arab Language and Rhetoric Subdivision. Also he was the head of this department.

His first article “Bir Hadis’in Düşündürdükleri” was published in weekly Sebil newspaper in 1980. His other articles also were published in Millî Gazete, İslâm, Kadın ve Aile, İlim ve Sanat, Mavera journals and newspapers besides Sebil. After 1983, he went to Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, England, Malaysia, and Singapore. He is a member of Turkish Scientific and Social Services Association.


RESEARCH: Hadislerle Ahlâk, Davranışlar (common edition, 1979), İmam Birgivî ve Arapça Tedrisatındaki Yeri (1992), İmam Gazalî ve İman-Küfür Sınırı (1992), Son Devir Osmanlı Âlimlerinden Mehmet Zihni Efendi Hayatı Şahsiyeti Eserleri (1999), Kaside-i Bürde Şerhi (1999).

TRANSLATION: İslâm Tarihi (common trans., 1985).

REFERENCE: İhsan Işık (TEKAA, 2009).